Monday Motivation – Week 2

“Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way.
Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.”
— Marsha Petrie Sue
Week 2 Plan:
Monday – Rest Day — (Much needed since I took advantage of the rainy day yesterday to push my pace a bit)
Tuesday – Track work (4)
Wednesday – Easy run (2) & Strength work
Thursday – Yoga
Friday – Long (8)
Saturday – weekly Pilates reformer session
Sunday – Easy (3 or 4)
My schedule this week could get a little nutty as my boys’ schools continue to jam everything into the final few days of school – Seriously, why do teachers do that? So I may have to play with the days a little to get it all in.
When it becomes a battle of your schedule vs. your training – if you have to give up a workout in your plan, which one do you forfeit?




  1. I’m totally struggling with what to give up when I need to. The end of the school year activities are chaos. I’m probably giving up the shortest of my runs for the week and using a rest day to get it all in.

  2. Looks like a great week to me. And yes, why does everything have to get crammed in at the end?

  3. I usually forfeit strength, I need my run/cardio to blow off steam. Or maybe some chocolate : )

  4. I usually give up something like Yoga, only because it doesnt start till 10 and lasts over and hour so that would be the first to go.

    Summer is here which means more busy! Which you would think would be the opposite but when the weather is nice there is always so much more going on.

  5. run wise…if I have to skip one it will be speed. to me, the tempo and long are more important

  6. My kids are out of school already so my schedule is out of whack! My time often depicts what my workout will be. It’s hard but its temporary so I do my best to go with the flow.

    Winks & Smiles,

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