Hello September!

Well hello, September! Is anyone else trying to wrap their heads around what happened to August – it went by faster than a blink and here we sit at the start of a new month. My weekly check-ins have been sparse as blogging continues to sit on the back burner for me, but my running and workouts keep chugging along. As I mentioned over coffee, with summer winding down I’m craving some routine so perhaps there will be more blogging in my future.

In any event, here’s a quick peek at the last week of August and what I’m planning for September.

Hello September!

Monday — Rest Day – I was still feeling off after Sunday’s shortened run (logged 5 miles instead of 7) so I spent some extra time stretching and called it a day.
Tuesday — 2-mile walk, Yoga & Core.
Wednesday — 3 miles. A rainy run – I prefer to run in the rain vs. the treadmill as long as the roads aren’t too slick and there’s no thunder.

Can’t predict what you’ll get on race day, right?

Thursday — Lower body strength & sports massage
Friday — 4 miles
Saturday — Upper body strength & Core
Sunday — 8 miles

With just 4 weeks to go until the TC 10M, this run was a confidence builder! My goal from this point forward is to do what I can to run all the miles on my plan and not to shorten another run. To make that happen, hip mobility work will be a top priority. My other goals for the month are to prioritize sleep (I was all over the place in August thanks in large part to multiple trips across time zones) and dial in my nutrition – aka, get out of vacation eating mode LOL.

I linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.

What have you got planned for September?
