Vacation Re-Entry

How crazy is it that we’re at the end of July already?!

After a great week away with the family full of hiking, kayaking, and sightseeing, this past week was all about vacation re-entry. And what a whirlwind week it was! The fact that I was still sorting through emails at 5:30 on Monday should tell you all you need to know! But, I managed to finish the week feeling back on top of things, and also managed to get caught up on my coursework. Between my work, classes, and a slightly cranky TFL, my workouts were seriously dialed back.

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Here’s how things played out.

Week 30 – Vacation Re-Entry

Monday — 1.2-mile walk, Core & Yoga. It’s been a while since I pulled out the yoga mat, but after hours in the car driving home on Sunday, it was just what I needed.

Tuesday — Upper Body Strength, Core, & 1-mile walk.

Wednesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch. Mother Nature gifted us with morning temps in the low 60s and no humidity! I had a crazy early start to my work day otherwise I would have run longer.

Thursday — 3.2-mile walk, Upper Body Strength & Core. My right TFL was starting to make noise so I swapped in another upper body strength sesh for my planned lower body workout.

Friday — Peloton Ride, Core, 1.2-mile walk & Stretch. I had planned to run, but the TFL wasn’t having it, so we pivot. Thankfully, riding the Peloton bike doesn’t bother it.

Saturday — Rest day. I can’t remember the last time I took a complete rest day, but I really needed it!

Sunday — 4.25 mile run & Stretch. The heat was back with a vengeance so this was definitely a “forward is a pace” kind of run.

So with Saturday’s rest day, my #OptOutside streak came to an end at 121 days – unless you count lounging on the deck as opting outside 😉 It was fun while it lasted, but I have no regrets…always need to listen to what my body needs. My TFL is still pretty cranky – I was in good shape for the first 3 miles this morning but then it started to complain. We’ll see what this week brings…

How was your week?



  1. we could make an argument for lounging outside to count! Maybe it turns into a weekday opt outside. I hear you on the vacation re-entry over here. The humidity was crazy again this morning. As you say, we just have to keep moving forward. Have a great week ahead

  2. I sure understand that difficult re-entry process. I was all optimistic and positive when I went to work on Tuesday but by Wednesday, I was back to my ‘I hate my job” self. Lol. It’s just exhausting. I wish we could be on vacation all the time!

  3. It’s so hard to come back after vacation.

    Good week considering.

    Kudos on the streak. I pretty much only run 4 days. Maybe a walk or hike. Sunday is my day of test. Mean I barely move at the lake. Lol

  4. The first week back to “normal” after a vacation can be rough, but you did a great job with your workouts this week!

  5. I’m curious to know who diagnosed the TFL issue- that’s such a complicated area with glute medius in there as well. What kind of symptoms are you having? Anyway… I hope it clears up soon. Good thing you have the Peloton bike just in case. And yes- forward is definitely a pace!

  6. I took Wednesday off (for the century ride) and my “re-entry” on Thursday was a nightmare. A co-worker joked with me that taking a mid-week day of PTO rewards you with a “bonus Monday” when you come back the next day. TRUTH!!! How I got through all the emails and other tasks is beyond me (I was about 90% caught up by end of day on Thursday). Your Wednesday pic is beautiful…what a great smile 😉

  7. Your vacay sounds wonderful. I’m sure settling back in was a challenge. Sorry your TFL is bugging you. Hopefully that issues resolves very soon!

  8. Vacation re-entry is the absolute worst. I hate coming home from vacation and having to get back in the swing of normalcy. It’s such a downer.

    I do hope you had the best time!
    Jenn recently posted…week 83: civic dutiesMy Profile

  9. The humidity has been nuts here. I’ll be so glad when it cools down come September. Counting down the days!

    It’s always difficult to get back into a routine post vacation, but sometimes taking some time off is much needed!

  10. I like the term vacation reentry. It describes it so well. Yes, the emails after a week away from work are insane. Sounds like you had a great vacation. Good luck with your injury issue. I hope you get it figured out.

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