Weekly Run Down – A Long Short Week

I have often said that the short work-weeks following a long weekend always feel anything but short! Throw in that my high schooler also returned to school this week so there was adjusting to a new routine. Yep, it was a l-o-n-g short week for sure! Here’s a peek at my workouts this week.

Happy runner post-Friday’s runch

Weekly Run Down — Week 36 

Monday — Lower Body Strength and Core. These two G&L classes were a spicy combination, especially Matty’s AMRAP of suitcase squats and single-leg deadlifts! Hannah’s foam rolling class was so needed.

Tuesday — Unplanned rest day – I was a victim of an out-of-control schedule 🙁

Wednesday — 3 miles, Core, and Stretch.

Thursday — 1-mile walk, Core, Upper Body Strength, and Stretch.

Friday — 2.25 miles and Stretch. After a morning of long Zoom calls, I slipped out for a rare “runch” – sanity restored!

Saturday — 4 miles, Core, and Stretch. This run was hard from almost the first step. My hip was cranky and my heart was heavy reflecting on 9/11. Still hard to believe that it has been 20 years.

Sunday — At the moment coffee. A walk and yoga are planned for later.

Ortho Update

On Thursday I had my long-awaited appointment with the orthopedic doc. The good news is that the mild arthritis detected on last year’s x-rays hasn’t progressed. As we discussed my workouts & runs, he was pleased with my commitment to strength work and cross-training and agreed that I could skip returning to PT and try a cortisone shot. He advised that I stick with running 3 days a week and supplement with time on the Peloton – Not a problem. He did express some hesitation at my mention of the half marathon I want to run in November, but he didn’t say not to run either. We agreed to see how running feels after the shot. Now it’s just a waiting game for that appointment – have I mentioned how frustratingly slow I find the health care system?

Anyone else find this short week l-o-n-g?

In case you missed it:

Five Reasons to Run for a Cause

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!



  1. I usually find short weeks to feel long, but last week felt short — probably because I have so much to do!

    I guess that’s good news from the ortho? We runner’s need doctors to hit us over the head and write it out in all caps in black and white if they really don’t want us to run, don’t we? I’m still debating my November 10M, although not the Half a week later.

  2. Well, yes, my week was long but for very different reasons.

    Sounds like fairly good news from the ortho — fingers crossed for you that your half happens!

  3. This week felt SO long! I agree, the weeks after a long weekend are always tough. Glad you got good news from the ortho and I hope you can do your half this fall!

  4. This short week wasn’t as “long” as the previous one…this week everyone else had the Monday off LOL The previous week, I’d taken Monday off for the funeral, so everyone else still worked and it took me most of that week to get caught up on everything. A first world prob (which I’m thankful to have…sort of). Sounds like good news from the ortho!

  5. Good news from your appointment (I was thinking I’d had good news at an appointment then remembered it was the vet telling me my one cat’s teeth were much better than last year – ha! Not quite the same). I had a hard run yesterday and am planning on dialling back down to 3-4 runs a week not 4-5 as I’ve been overdoing it.

  6. that is good news from the ortho. Why did he not just give you the shot while you were there?? Sounds like you have been playing it smart with your workouts and it is working well for you. Also liking Rad for core

    • I guess the shot is administered via an ultrasound-guided needle and he didn’t have that set-up in his office.

      Yes, Rad is quickly becoming a favorite of mine!

  7. I’m with Deborah, why didn’t the ortho give you the shot at your appointment? Ugh. I feel your frustration and I work in the system, lol! Was this the sports medicine specialist?

  8. This short week was VERY long! Though I would still love to always have Mondays off, ha!

    Glad the arthritis hasn’t progressed. Good luck with the cortisone shot!

  9. That’s funny, because my son will refer to periods of time as a “short-long” or “long-short.” Something about how you perceive it in the moment and how long it seems looking back at it.
    Well, it’s good news about the arthritis- I hope you can get your shot soon. I would still plan on your half, unless your hip decides to tell you otherwise!

  10. Totally agree with you about the short weeks feeling so long. By Friday afternoon I was totally wiped out and so happy to log off work.

    Glad that overall your ortho update went well!

  11. Labor Day was sort of a non-event because I worked so much so I feel you. The schedule changes are always stressful. Sorry your hip is cranky. FWIW, a women in our van at Hood to Coast had a cortisone shot in her hip and she ran SO GREAT! Hag in there!

  12. As if trying to cram five days of work into four days isn’t stressful enough, having a child start back to school is extremely time consuming. I’m sure you’re happy to have last week behind you!

    When is your cortisone shot? I’m sure it can’t come soon enough, right? Here’s hoping it gives you the relief you’re seeking!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…2021 Reston Century Tour RecapMy Profile

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