A Mid-Summer Break

Happy Sunday!

I’m back home after a fun week in Stowe, VT., and am trying to hold on to the vacation vibe before I have to return to work tomorrow. We had so much fun, ate too much, laughed a ton, and completely unwound. While Mother Nature didn’t totally cooperate, this week was a good mix of being active and relaxing.

Weekly Run Down – Week 29

Monday — 6-mile hike

Happy hikers

Tuesday — Rainy lazy day. We snuck in a 3-mile walk and some mini-golf in between showers. Otherwise, time was spent watching movies, playing board games, reading, and relaxing.
Wednesday — Bodyweight Strength, Core, and 3-mile walk. We drove up to Burlington for the day – got to spend some time on Lake Champlain, walked the waterfront, and enjoyed lunch on Church Street Marketplace.

Thursday — Yoga and 4-mile hike. The weather was picture perfect and we enjoyed a gondola ride up Mt. Mansfield and a beautiful hike in Smugglers Notch. And, yes there was a trip to the Ben & Jerry’s Factory!

One of the falls we came across

Friday — Bodyweight Strength, Core, 1.5-mile walk and then driving home.
Saturday — 4-mile run and core. My hip had been feeling pretty cranky after last Saturday’s run, so I had made the decision to take a week off running knowing that we’d stay fairly active. I think this turned out to be the right call.
Sunday — Peloton ride and Strength planned. At the moment I’m in no hurry to move beyond my coffee mug 🙂

To say I needed this break would be an understatement. I don’t think I realized just how fried I was feeling until I got a chance to completely unplug. I’m also so happy that we got some time away as a family before my oldest leaves for college.

How was your week? Any vacation time planned?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. Sounds like a great trip! Glad you were able to take some time off running to rest your hip. I bet it was really nice to get away as a family and spend time together this summer!

  2. Ah, memories! We lived outside of Burlington when we were first married. often spent our anniversary in the Stowe area. And definitely took visitors to the Ben & Jerrys factory!

    Sounds great!

    We never know how tired or burned out we really are until we get some relief.

    We do have a short vacation planned in a month. Fingers crossed it actually happens!

  3. So glad that you were able to decompress and unplug for a week. You’re so right that sometimes we don’t notice how much we need something until we do it.

    Awesome job staying active while on vacation!

  4. I am so glad to read that you got some great time away. Sounds like it was just what you needed! Take care of that hip friend

  5. Sounds like a perfect trip. My only complaint is that we didn’t get any pictures of Ben and Jerry’s!
    Our trip two weeks ago to Austin was the same- one last family trip before my son leaves for college.
    Glad you gave your hip some time off- sounds like it worked out perfectly!

  6. Looks like you had such a fun week away! I think being active made me not miss running as much as I would have normally. I’m off this week too. i hope your return to work is a soft landing.

  7. Sounds like you had a great time, even when the weather wasn’t great. Family hikes, games, and Ben & Jerry’s sounds perfect.

  8. Your week of family fun certainly looked fantastic! No opportunities for any kind of a getaway for us…other than today’s Ragbrai ride (and that wasn’t exactly relaxing…but quite active).

  9. Lovely pics and family time, thank you for sharing it with us! It’s so good to have a break, isn’t it!

  10. Sounds like a perfect vacation. I love that area. Spending time away with family is priceless.

    You were so active so not running was fine.

    I can’t wait to go away for 4 days at the end of August.

  11. Stowe is so pretty! Thanks for sharing all your pictures.

  12. No hurry to move beyond the mug – so true. I feel you. Can’t wait to replicate your trip, and so glad you had the needed break. We still haven’t done the mini putt, but Jordan took his kids when they were on the Cape so maybe they’ll be into it.

  13. Your getaway sounds perfect! It was probably great to give your hip some rest too. We’d originally planned a summer trip to Banff but since Canada is not open to foreigners, that’s not going to happen. I guess my getaway will be for Hood to Coast.

  14. Ah, sounds like a wonderfully relaxing and well deserved week! No upcoming vacations on the horizon for us, but we may head back down to the beach at some point this summer.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: July 18 – 24 / Time in the SaddleMy Profile

  15. Oh, I am so glad you got away and had a great time! I went to Vermont as a child, and I know I would appreciate it even more now!

    We are taking three trips in the next few months. Nothing too long or serious, but I’m excited! Welcome home!

  16. sounds like this break is indeed EXACTLY what was needed! I’m so very happy that you were able to get away!

    I have no vacation planned myself except that the hubs and I are going to go up to a small village in Groningen (up north) for a few days to chill, ride bikes, and go see the seals at the rescue center <3 Then in October or November I'll go see my parents for 3 weeks, which is like 1 week vacation, 1 week wondering why I went back to New Mexico at all and 1 week of mad shopping to bring stuff back with me to make proper Mexican food (and clothes…) in the Netherlands. 😀

    • Your getaway to the village sounds lovely…I love seals! Please post pictures! And yay for going to see your parents. I have always wanted to see New Mexico – it’s so beautiful there!

  17. “We had so much fun, ate too much, laughed a ton, and completely unwound” – to me that sounds like the perfect vacation!! Good for you for getting away.

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