Running unplugged

My finicky Garmin is the inspiration for this week’s Fit Five Friday.

My Garmin? It’s just a little over 4 years old, but boy oh boy has it been having some major fits lately. It has frozen on several occasions while trying to both save a run or sync with the app, and it’s been off in measuring the distance (almost like it’s losing the GPS). There have been a few runs where I haven’t even bothered to wear my watch. Couple that with forgetting to charge my headphones, and I have found myself forced to run… naked! (Cue the horror music!)

So today I’m sharing a few reasons to consider running unplugged.

5 Reasons to consider running unplugged

No delays How many times have you found yourself waiting for your watch or headphones to charge because you forgot to plug them in the night before? Or, waiting for your watch to locate a satellite? On a gadget-free run, you truly just lace up, step out the door and you’re off.

A break from the numbers Feedback from your running watch can be very valuable, allowing you to compete with yourself and track your progress. On the flip side, always watching the numbers can cause added pressure – can we become so focused on our pace that we forget to enjoy the run itself?

Let your body lead There are lots of variables that can affect a run on any given day (sleep, nutrition, the previous day’s workout, etc.). Running by feel vs. your watch gives your body a better chance to adjust to those variables.

Focus on your form Running without music gives you the opportunity to listen to your feet. Is your footfall soft and light? Are you scuffing your feet? For me, when I hear scuffing, I know my form’s starting to fall apart.

Take in your surroundings Running gadget-free not only gives you a chance to tune into your body but to tune into your surroundings as well… to truly be in the moment. What sounds will you hear or what sights might you take in?

5 reasons to consider running unplugged #FitFiveFriday #bibchat Click To Tweet

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not ready to completely convert to running naked. Running with a watch and music provide both useful feedback and motivation. But every now and then, there’s value in running unplugged.

Do you ever run unplugged? What’s your must-have gadget?

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  1. There are definitely benefits to running without electronics! I only run with headphones once a week, but I like having my watch with me even if I don’t look at it. I use the “live track” feature so my husband can see where i am plus I like to know how far I ran. It can definitely be frustrating when things don’t work as they should!

  2. I don’t run unplugged, but I also mostly ignore my Garmin on the run. I usually have no idea what my pace is until I’ve finished, and sometimes it’s a big surprise!

    Taking in the surroundings is definitely big for me. Nature is just so healing (and sometimes distracting).

  3. I run unplugged far more than “fully charged.” I’ve never been much of a gadget gal, and have never been one to rely on my Garmin (other than for the GPS or mile splits, but then that doesn’t happen other than race day or a long run). For me, I have a hard time reading the screen if it’s a sunny day (reflection, anyone?). Also, exactly as you stated, if I focus too much attention on my wrist, I miss so much of the running experience itself. Not my gig, but I respect it’s a different story for others 😉

  4. You are talking my language.

    I never run with my Garmin. I am more relaxed. I can appreciate the surroundings. My miles still count.

    I have even raced without one.

    But of course not always since I helps to have more details. I only look after the race.

  5. I never look at my pace and I know the distance of each of my routes so I don’t need Garmin for that either, however I wear it because I like to see the VO2Max and whether I was “productive” “maintaining” or whatever. What a bummer yours is being so naughty. Ugh.

  6. I wear my Garmin to keep an eye on my HR–it’s a good gauge of how I feel and has been really helpful for me. I stopped looking at pace a while ago. Running trails, my pace is so much slower and it isn’t as important as on the road. I just have the basic Forerunner 35–it gives me all the data I need.

  7. I am not someone who gets super caught up in numbers. I do like my Garmin for distance and over all pace. The other day I ran by myself for the first time in a long time and I had so many ideas come flooding in. Good to mix it up!

    • I don’t think I could run without my Garmin. It definitely holds me accountable. I’m not really concerned about my pace anymore but if I didn’t run with it I would think I’ve always gone further than I really have. Keeps me honest with my distance.

  8. I usually wear my garmin, but if there’s some reason i can’t I don’t stress about it. Especially on my normal weekday runs, where I already know the distance. I don’t focus on pace too much these days either. The only exception is my long run- I do like to know how far I went!

  9. I think running by feel is really important. Especially for easy runs and long runs. I push too hard with Garmin sometimes to see “good” times. It’s counterproductive for me!

  10. I think it’s a great idea to unplug, but… and it’s a big BUT I don’t know that I could unplug completely. I do usually switch it on and then I don’t look at it anymore. It does buzz when I hit each kilometer but I don’t actually need that function. I never check what my speed is anymore. So I feel like I’m sort of unplugged, but not really hahaha!

  11. I don’t run with music or sound, but I also don’t run unplugged or naked. I need my miles to count, darn it!

    I think if you’re ready to try, give it a shot!

  12. If I had to choose between the two, I would run sans music. But I have to have my Garmin. 🙂

  13. I can’t remember if you listen to Ali on the Run, but in her Ask Me ANything episode in the last few weeks she talked about her decision to ditch the watch. It isn’t for me, but you might find it helpful.
    THanks for the reminder to charge my headset. I don’t always need it, but it’s a Monday must
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