April Goals

If you have spent any time around here, then you know that I am a goal setter! I have often said that I especially like to set monthly goals to help keep me accountable and provide a focus – these short-term goals are a great way for me to break down bigger yearly goals into manageable chunks. So with the start of the new month just around the corner, it’s time to lay out some April goals.

April Goals

  • 65 – 70 miles — Through the ZOOMA Run Club, I set a (rare for me) annual mileage goal of 750 run/walk miles, which nets out to 62.5 miles/month. As I write this I’m slightly behind, but know with the spring weather that I’ll be itching to log more outdoor miles.
  • Return to early morning runs — I runfessed that I have been chasing the weather, often pushing my runs to the warmer afternoons vs. dark early morning hours. But, truth be told I’m much happier when I get out early to start my day. Also, with my youngest son’s lacrosse practices kicking in this month, I know if I don’t get out early, schedules may collide.
Do you set monthly fitness goals? Sharing my goals for April. #bibchat #TuesdayTopics Click To Tweet
  • Clean-up my eating — Quite simply, I need to lose a few pounds. I’m not much for scales – I prefer to go by how I feel in my clothes, and, if I’m keeping it real, a few things are starting to feel a little snug. So before these pandemic pounds become permanent, it’s time to clean up my eating. Specifically, no more late-night snacking, more spring vegetables, and being much more mindful about sugar consumption.
  • Balanced strength trainingĀ  — For March I targeted 3 sessions/week ā€“ 1 upper-body, 1 lower-body, and 1 full-body in addition to daily core. This worked well, so as the saying goes if it ain’t broke…

Are you a goal setter? Any goals for April?

Iā€™m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up.



  1. Darlene S. Cardillo says

    I have to say that I run better in the mornings. But so dark and still cold so I drag myself out after work.

    Good for you. These are great goals.

    They should be mine as well.

  2. Well, I’m all about the morning gig. I can run at lunch (on occasion) or after work if need be, but I feel more accomplished if I just get it done early. I find I am much more energized with an early morning cardio fix (it IS my coffee, don’t forget). My eating needs some spring cleaning…the sugar intake really needs modification.
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Chocoholic Frolic 5K Race RecapMy Profile

  3. I’m right there with you about clean eating. I won’t even sugarcoat it – my eating has been sh*t lately and I need to get my act together – soon!

  4. These seem like great goals! I haven’t set any for April yet. I’d like to increase my mileage a bit, but I also want to make sure I can keep up with everything else like strength training and foam rolling.

  5. Those sounds like great goals! I’m not much for stressing about the scale, but my clothes are a little snugger than before as well…the pandemic pounds are real!

  6. being more mindful about my eating and tracking my food has helped me tremendously the past 6 months. I like your workout schedule and yes, this weather does make me want to run more as well

  7. Great goal, Janelle!
    I’m all about annual mileage goals. It’s great because it gives you a flexible goal. You will easily catch up the missing miles in April!

  8. As you know I am also a morning runner but lately have been sleeping in and not getting out there in the morning. It’s been the same this week, but maybe that is OK since I am on Spring Break. I didn’t post this but I also need add some strength training in my schedule.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: My daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goalsMy Profile

  9. Running early is what I do 99.999 percent of the time- especially coming into spring and summer, it’s way too hot here to go later. I also just like the way I feel all day when I run first thing!
    I hear you on the food issue. I also don’t like the scale but can tell when my pants are snug (for me, it’s always in the stomach.). Time to stop eating so many pretzels!
    Your goals sound well-thought out and achievable! Good luck with them.
    Jenny recently posted…New Day, New Shoes!My Profile

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