Catching Up – December 2020

I’ve missed the past couple of weeks of the Weekly Run Down link-up. This is not a reflection of lack of interest in what others have been up to, but more a combination of life in general, and also feeling like my workouts have taken on “groundhog’s day” feel, i.e., same stuff, different day.

While things have been quiet here in my little corner of the blogosphere, the workouts have been happening. It’s been a pretty steady mix of running, Peloton rides, and strength training, with the occasional visit to the yoga mat, and plenty of walking. I wrapped up November with 80 miles, along with completing the “Swolvember” challenge focusing on strength training and the first couple of legs “On holiday for the holidays” focusing on cycling and running – both Peloton challenges created by members of the BreakThrough Crew on Facebook. I also knocked out the BAA’s virtual 5K. All-in-all a pretty good month.

December Goals

So we’re finally in the homestretch of this crazy-train year and I’m keeping my fitness goals simple.

  • Complete my last two virtual races for the #FinishStrongChallenge
  • Continue to tick off more of the “On Holiday” workouts on Peloton
  • Be kind to my body with daily stretching, rolling, and/or massage gun

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the link-up!

How was your November? What are you looking forward to this month?





  1. It can be hard to blog about workouts when you feel like you do the same things every day/week! Your goals for the rest of this year sound reasonable. I need to either get better at stretching or add in some yoga. My body needs some TLC!

  2. Those Breakthrough Crew challenges were tough! I was interested, but haven’t really tried to keep up with them. There’s so much new content I want to try. I think Peloton motivates via FOMO, LOL.

    Here’s to December ending on a high note — especially with regard to your father’s health.

  3. Glad to have you back to the run down. The weeks kind of do run together and feel very monotonous sometimes. Sounds like you are crushing your Peloton workouts

  4. I totally get it…some weeks I feel like all I have to say is “hey I ran”. Fitness wise I’m finishing out the year by test driving the Peloton app and so far I really like it. Enjoy your fitness!
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweat: Hanging with the Cool KidsMy Profile

  5. I kind of feel the same way about my workouts – I almost didn’t do a WRD post today because my workouts were pretty much the same they have been in previous weeks.

  6. Oh I know what you mean. My weeks are usually the same with my runs. Nothing really exciting.

    I need to make time for my bike. I mean for sure I did not buy it to collect dust and to hang my clothes to dry.

  7. I feel you! But like I always say, these posts are also for me to look back on my training, so post I must…lol

    I definitely need to do some recovery work. I am really feeling that trail run today!

  8. I’m glad that I discovered the bike hiding in our basement, so now I have a little more variety to add to my winter workouts. I hear ya on the “same old-same old” because I often feel that way myself. Looks like a great December you have on tap!

  9. I was thinking that same thing: My fitness exploits are very much the same from week to week, who even cares what I’m doing? Ha! Oh well the important thing is it’s getting done! Glad you’re back to the Rundown!

  10. I’ve come to appreciate how much fitness can be gained by simply sticking with “same stuff, different day.” Consistency is key! You’ll look back on the year and be able to feel good about it (well, the fitness part, ha ha.)
    Jenny recently posted…Holiday Wish ListMy Profile

  11. This year is Ground Hog day. Every day the same – more cases, Trump refuses to concede, run, try to stay safe, work from home, repeat

    You are doing great with all your challenges!!

    I’m tired of it all.

    Just get outside and run…no plans (it’s like I’m sleep walking some days.)

  12. <3 You've had a lot on your plate. It's ok to step back to give yourself some breathing room.

  13. Simple goals are really the best. it’s can be too overwhelming with a ton of goals!

  14. Being kind to your body sounds like a wonderful goal and one that fits this week. I had a skin cancer removed from my leg on Monday so my workouts are limited and I’m paying extra attention to allowing my body to rest and heal.

    My workouts have been very redundant as well, but at least last week I started running without taking walk breaks for the first time since last December.

    Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

  15. I bet everyone is looking forward to lots of pictures of me on my treadmill every week. LOL! Yep, winter workouts have a tendency to be repetitive. I love the concept of daily self care. I need to get better at that!
    Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – oodles of StarbucksMy Profile

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