Weekly Run Down – Back to School Part 1

Happy Sunday!

It was another busy week here as moving my son back to school took center stage. I’m happy to say the move-in went smoothly and I was relieved when he FaceTimed me to show me his room all set up (Parents were not allowed in the dorms). Senior year officially begins Monday! We’ve now got a couple of weeks to soak in the last of summer before we take on “back-to-school” part 2 and my youngest starts high school.

I’m also happy to say that my right hip was feeling much better this week. Here’s a quick peek at my week in workouts:

Monday — Strength training. Started the week off with a trio of Peloton workouts. Coco had suggested Matt’s Strength for Runners class and it was a good one – reminded me of many of the exercises my PT had me doing.

Tuesday — Rest day.

Wednesday — 3 miles. Mother Nature served up a beautiful 58-degree morning!

Thursday — 2-mile power walk with my husband and the pup along with another excellent Strength for Runners class (this time with Becs) and the Prince Core Strength class again. It was another sub-60 degree morning!

Friday — 45 min. Peloton boot camp. I finally tried one of the Peloton boot camps – It gave me a little of the feel of an OTF class with a nice mix of running blocks and strength training.

The soundtrack for this class was on point!

Saturday — 3 miles and yoga. I took Matt’s Classic Rock Run and followed his advice to follow-up the run with some yoga. I tried Kristin’s 20-min. yoga flow: lower body class, which I found to be very challenging. But, I cannot deny that my hips appreciated the work.

Sunday — As I sit here writing this with a coffee mug in hand I’m still on the fence between a run or a walk. I do know that I will be opting outside for a few miles. Mother Nature has offered up some beautiful weather this week, but with the forecast showing another possible heatwave coming up, I want to get out and enjoy it while the humidity is still relatively low.

Another added bonus of this week was having both Thursday and Friday off! I am planning to do the same for this upcoming week and may look to do the same the following week as well. Things continue to be fairly hectic at work, and with nowhere to escape to for a week-long vacation, I figured some extended long weekends were a good compromise.

How was your week? Do you have any planned time off?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. Glad your son’s move-in went well, are they sharing rooms or having rooms to themselves? And a great week of exercise. Good news on the long weekends. I have a week off booked in October but it’s mainly to sort out two rooms in the house that have got in a state and need to turn back into nice rooms for me to use, as husband will be working at home for the foreseeable future. And then I can get the Peleton app, eee!

    • My son’s school decided all of the students would have singles – sadly with a fair number of the international students not returning they were able to make it work.

      Yay for the Peloton app – there’s so much great content! I hope you enjoy it!

  2. We’ve got that heatwave coming as well. Ugh. I should not complain though because overall it’s been a beautiful summer here weather wise.
    Glad to hear the move-in went well but crazy that parents weren’t allowed inside. When we left Thing 1, her room on the apt was still chaos but a subsequent Snap Chat the next day showed she’d gotten it all in order. Haha! Now let’s hope they all stay happy and healthy and have a great school year.

  3. I’m glad your hip is feeling better! Looks like it was a good week!
    Lauren recently posted…Weekly Workouts – Runs in the Sun & a Run Coaching Giveaway!My Profile

  4. I’m glad that your son is settled at school and that the move in process went well. I also enjoyed some of the cooler temps this week, but today we’re back to the heat and humidity. I enjoyed it while it lasted lol.

    Love that you’re taking some extended long weekends! Sometimes those breaks can be so refreshing.

  5. Yay for your hip feeling better this week. I bet it will be nice to have some extra days off too. College move in was sure a little different this year and emotionally more stressful. Glad the kids are doing well! Way to take advantage of all the Peloton classes. Have a great week ahead

  6. Long weekends rock! Enjoy! Sounds like you got in a lot of good workouts this week.

    Every day is a day off. Sort of. I still work hardish for someone who doesn’t really have a job, LOL!

  7. Glad move-in went well. I am totally with you on the long weekends. We just need a break sometimes. I took one this weekend and might take one in a few again as well
    Glad your hip is feeling strong, and that kinda wanna… shirt is awesome.
    Cari recently posted…podcasts and reunion runsMy Profile

  8. I love the long weekend–I do more of that for ‘vacations’ than a full week. It’s pretty nice. I hope the weather cooperates for you! The heat is coming back here. I have to remind myself that since it is the last week of August, it will probably be the last time we hit 90 (sob).

    Good luck to both of your boys! Hoping everyone stays healthy and safe.
    Wendy recently posted…Embracing All That is GoodMy Profile

  9. Such great news on the happy hip! We’ve had a lot of cool mornings recently, which have been nice (when I’ve been able to get outside). How can we be entering the last full week of August???

  10. Glad you son’r move in went well! And your youngest will ^go^ to school too? I know after a rough start New England really got their case numbers down. Too bad we couldn’t take lessons from you!

    I loved Matt’s Classic Rock Run — such a fun playlist, took me back to high school summers. 😉

    I’ve been taking 1/2 days on Friday’s to ride with Deborah — it’s a pretty good consolation prize for no vacation.

    • You’re right our numbers here have been fairly good. My youngest son’s school will be following a hybrid model.

      I think it’s great that you’ve been able to catch some rides with Deborah lately 🙂

  11. First of all, yay that your hip is doing better, and second of all, yay that the weather was so nice this week! It’s really nice to feel chilly on a run! Eek, it’s warm again and that’s going to be a rude wake up call tomorrow. And third of all, a 4 day weekend sounds really nice. My company doesn’t track PTO and believe me I took advantage back in “normal” times but since the pandemic I haven’t taken a single day off. I need to do something about that.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Living the DreamMy Profile

  12. That’s a great plan to take a few long weekends! I haven’t taken time off all year, but I work part time so its hard to take time off and get my work done. I’ll probably take a long break around the holidays. Glad the hip is feeling good!

  13. You are being so smart about your training. I need to follow your lead…Glad your hip is feeling good! Hope all goes well for your kids in school this year!

  14. Oh, it’s so good to hear that your pain is easing up! All good news.

    Our schedules are kind of all over the place, so I can carve out time for other things. After this year of school, I’m going to need about a month of vacation. We are on day one and it’s… going to be a journey.

  15. Excited for your kids! I hope they have a great school year. Everything is so chaotic right now but hope everything works out for them.

    We have a heatwave here too. No bueno.

    I also love extended long weekends. It is like a mini vacation even if you don’t go anywhere.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge Part 2My Profile

  16. So glad your son has settled in well! Long weekends are the best especially when you can’t take a proper vacation. That’s what I’m planning on doing over the next couple of months. It really makes a difference.

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