Week four and counting

We’re wrapping up week #4 of COVID madness and social distancing. While I’ve been touting the importance of my workouts in helping me to navigate our current situation, I’m not gonna lie, this was an especially tough week. My motivation was way down, but I did my best to keep moving.

Here’s how the week’s workouts went…

Monday — Rest day
Tuesday — 3-mile run, plus a physical therapy session

a rare early morning run

Wednesday — 30-min Yoga Flow: Hips via Peloton
Thursday — Rest day plus PT exercises
Friday — Peloton workout: 20-minutes full-body strength plus PT exercises
Saturday — 2.5 hrs of yard work – the winds were just crazy and I had no desire to layer up so I pushed off my run and spent time clearing up the yard and prepping my garden.
Sunday — 3-mile run

Loved seeing these on my run!

Just two runs this week, but I stuck to my plan of weekly yoga and count Saturday’s yard work as a decent strength workout. This week was all about giving myself some grace and not getting caught up in “shoulds”.

Some positives for this week…

A trip to the physical therapist – Thanks to Massachusetts designating physical therapists as “essential,” I was able to finally get in to see the sports therapist my doc had referred me to about 6 weeks ago. The office only allowed for one patient at a time so I had a rather large space to myself..and yes, we wore masks and gloves. The therapist and I clicked right away and it was a really informative appointment. The final diagnosis is a tight Tensor fasciae latae (TFL) – so we’ll work to stretch the TFL while strengthening my glutes. Thankfully, I can keep running as long as the mileage stays low and there’s no pain while running.

Getting back into my garden – If you’ve been around here for a while then you know how much I love spending time in my garden.  This past Saturday was the first of many to come and that thought makes me smile.

FaceTime & cocktails – Continuing to connect with friends virtually has been good for my soul and this week was no exception.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Passover and Happy Easter, and a peaceful and healthy week ahead!

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. Ah yes the old TFL injury! have had that one too. My hips are also bugging me this week. thanks for reminding me about the Peloton hip yoga classes. Off to do one now! Have a good one

  2. Lots of ups and downs here too! Yesterday’s bad run really sunk me. Hopefully the next one will feel better. Glad to hear you got some answers on your injury!

  3. That’s great you could get in that PT session! Speaking of gardening, I really need to get to work on my flower beds. I got them raked out last weekend, but I have oodles (upon oodles) of day lilies that need need mega dividing. It’s always a struggle to get them dug up before they come in too thick…

    • Oh, I know what you mean about the daylilies. I’m hoping to divide and transplant some of mine because who knows when I’ll be able to visit a nursery to buy some of the new plants I wanted for this year.

  4. Great that you could have a PT session! All mine were cancelled, but at least I can do them at home.
    Having a garden must be so therapeutic right now!

  5. It can be tough to stay motivated these days. Thats good that you were able to see a PT. I know my chiropractor is opened but I havent had to go so I figure its better to stay away if I can. Glad they took lots of precautions!

  6. That’s awesome that you were able to go to PT! I hope they clear things up for you.

    Everyone seemed to really struggle this week, you were not alone. I wasn’t struggling, but frustrated by the need to rest a lot — again! Although I actually feel better so I guess it was worth it. 🙂

    We’ll get through this, Michelle, and like most hard things, we’ll come through stronger. It’s a marathon, not a spring, eh?

  7. I’m glad that you were able to see the physical therapist and finally get a diagnosis.

    I feel like I struggle in different ways every week. This week I had motivation, but I was getting bored with workouts. I think I’m going to try something new this week like a jump rope workout. Currently I kind of feel like I’m in Groundhog Day with the same day on repeat so I need to introduce some new stuff into my routine!

  8. So glad you were able to get into the PT! I have no idea if mine is open or not. I assume it’s essential, but I don’t know how they would make it work under the social distancing recommendations. Either way, I’m so glad you have some answers and can start making progress towards feeling better.

  9. Hope you’re hanging in there! It seems to hit in waves, you know? Great job with your workouts. I’m glad you’re able to still do physical therapy during the quarantine while keeping mileage low.
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Weekly Rundown – Happy EasterMy Profile

  10. I was wondering how you got in for PT but I’m glad you did! TFL strain was the injury I had before the Marine Corps Marathon back in 2012. It is one of my most popular blog posts of all time. Haha! I believe weak hips were at the root of my issue. Hope you are feeling 100% soon!
    I’m jelly of your gardening. Still too cold and wet here to do anything.

  11. I can’t think of a tougher workout than 2.5 hours of yard work. I’m glad that your PT is on the list of essential services.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: Mandatory Dinners and CheesecakeMy Profile

  12. Oh, that’s great that you could see a PT! I can’t imagine how odd to be the only there. Are you able to go back? I know PT usually involves several appointments a week.

    I hope you find more joy in your garden. I love the results but hate the process. 😉

  13. Great that you saw a PT and got a diagnosis. Runners and out injuries. It is always something with us runners! 🙁

  14. That’s great news that the meeting with the PT went well! we had some crazy winds here last week too, and that definitely made things harder.
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

  15. Good news on the PT, well done for getting that done. I’ve been so tired just from all the freaking problem-solving and decision-making and meal planning etc. Haven’t felt like doing a running update but still running. Lots of love to you from over here – stay well xx

  16. Oh wow, your PT is open? That’s great! Oh wow, you had to see your PT? That sucks! 🙁 Glad it was a positive appointment. I’d really like to go see someone for my pain. I know I can do it virtually, but it’s just not the same since I’m having a new issue. My garden is all cleaned up, thanks to an extra warm day lately, but it’s still too soon to plant any veggies. I am looking forward to getting ours started!
    Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – Spring Break & EasterMy Profile

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