Weekly Run Down: Listen to Your Body

Happy Monday!

Last week was another busy week with lots on the schedule to juggle. I must admit I was feeling kind of creaky – maybe it was the sudden return to frigid temps or the new nagging ache in my upper right quad. Needless to say, the theme for the week was “listen to your body”. Here’s how my workouts played out.

Source: Pinterest

Monday — Yoga
Tuesday — 3.25 miles. It was a super busy day, but I was happy to jump on the treadmill to get this run in before heading to my son’s winter concert.
Wednesday — Rest day. I finally got back to see the acupuncturist to help ease some of my creakings and made a note to self that I need to be more consistent with my visits.
Thursday — More miles on the mill. My son was home sick from school so it was helpful to have the treadmill available for another quick 3-miler.
Friday — Orangetheory 1-mile benchmark. Given my creeky-ness and general lack of speedwork, Coach Marc cautioned me on going out too fast. I started fairly conservatively for the first half and then increased the pace for each of the next two quarter miles. Since this was my first benchmark I logged an instant PR. I’m looking forward to the next benchmark run at the end of the spring.

Saturday — 5 miles. It was a bitter 16 degrees when my alarm went off so I procrastinated until midday when it reached a balmy 20. With no sunshine and a slight headwind, it felt a lot colder. On the upside, the roads were quiet.

Sunday — With my creaky-ness in full effect, this was another rest day, aside from a little shoveling thanks to the overnight snowfall.

The week felt really long so having today off for Martin Luther King Day is a welcome bonus. And, in honor of Dr. King, I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes of his.

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. It was cold this weekend! Shoveling is definitely a workout. Hope your day off feels rejuvenating. Have a great week ahead

  2. You absolutely did the right thing by listening to your body! I’m glad that you were able to see your acupuncturist to help with some of the “creakings”!

  3. I hope the creakyness subsides. I love that MLK quote, and actually posted it earlier this morning 🙂 I wish we could have seen him in action…he was gone way too soon.

  4. Winter definitely returned with a vengeance this week! Good job listening to your body, that was a smart decision.

  5. That MLK quote is one of my favorites! I was so grateful I don’t have anything big to train for in this frigid weather. I do not have that kind of motivation right now. Enjoy your day off!

  6. I love that MLK quote. He left us with so many wise and inspiring words. Especially today it was good to hear his reminder that the “arc of the moral universe is long but bends towards justice” because it’s not clear we’ve bent that far in the right direction …. OMG, 15F is frigid. And 20’s not much warmer with no sunshine! You are brave to get that done!

  7. Shoveling is one of the best workouts around! I hope the acupuncturist helped with your creaks and that you feel better!

    Great job on your benchmark – you’re rocking OTF!

  8. Congrats on that mile benchmark. There’s a mile race in Chicago in the spring. Wouldn’t that be fun?

  9. Kudos to you for getting an outdoor run it with how cold it’s been!

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