Weekly Run Down – Recovery Mode

Happy Sunday!

After taking a full week off following the Chicago Marathon where I did nothing more than some stretching and lots of rolling, I used this past week to slowly ease back into working out. I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.

Recovery Mode

Monday — Kicked off the week with a strength workout.

Tuesday — Rest day.

Wednesday — Cross training on the Arc Trainer.

Nice to get reacquainted with my fave cardio machine

Thursday — Time on my yoga mat, plus a trip to the massage therapist.

Friday — 3-mile run. It was a beautiful morning and it was great to see that my legs hadn’t forgotten how to do this running thing!

Saturday — I had planned to run, but knowing that I had a big work event in the evening that would require me to be on my feet for hours (and hours), I opted to spend the day running errands instead of miles.

Sunday — As I suspected my legs were toast this morning so I’ll be dragging out my yoga mat again later today.

As you can see, I kept things nice and low-keyed this week, and I’m totally good with that! For the upcoming week, I’m planning on returning to 6 days of working out with at least 3 runs. At the moment, I don’t have anything on my race calendar until the Chocolate Marshmallow 10K in early December, so I’m looking forward to running by feel vs. training plan for a bit.

Sending out a huge congratulations to all the runners taking on MCM in tough rainy conditions today!

Are you running for fun or training at the moment?



  1. Glad to see that you are taking your recovery so seriously! You will be happy you did. Thanks for linking up have a great week ahead

  2. LOL on running errands instead of miles. Glad Friday’ run went well. The massage sounds good too!

  3. Looks like you are taking your recovery seriously! So smart to listen to your body after a long build and tough cycle up to Chicago!

  4. I’m proud of you for honoring your body and allowing it to recover! It’s tempting to jump right back in sometimes but you’ll be better off taking your time. I’ve been in fun run mode since finishing London in April. I’m not sure yet when I’ll be inspired to resume serious training.

  5. Can I just say I love the name of that race, Chocolate Marshmallow 10K, and please tell me that you get hot chocolate at the finish?!

    You did a great job at easing back into workouts this past week!

    • I totally admit that when I was looking for races this one jumped out because of the name LOL! I’ll be so disappointed if there’s no hot chocolate!

  6. Hooray for legs that still work! I’m still running just for fun; I’ve signed up for a 12 day marathon virtual race after Christmas which is raising funds for a charity (you run the distance in the 12 days then prove it to the organiser and get sent a medal) and I’m going into our club ballot for London Marathon so trying to retain a decent base in case I have to ramp that up!

  7. Sounds like a good recovery week! That was a good idea to take off the day you had a work event and would have to be standing a lot. Also smart to get in a massage 🙂

  8. Recovery is a good place to be! Enjoy the freedom!!!

  9. Great job, Michelle, on honoring your body’s recovery 😉 That Chocolate Marshmallow race sounds fun! Thanks for all your encouragement and support yesterday <3

  10. great week easing back into things! I do the arc trainer at the gym too, but it’s not my favorite – what am I missing? should I be mixing it up a bit? I suppose I could ask a trainer too haha!!

    • Honestly, I didn’t start to enjoy the Arc Trainer until a trainer I was working with urged me to use it and had me do some interval training with it.

  11. Sounds like a good recovery week! The miles will be there waiting for you when you’re ready – now’s the time to put your body first as you recover from your marathon.

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