Chicago Week 16 – Ups and Downs

Week 16 of training is done and it certainly had its ups and downs! Thankfully this week ended much better than it started. Here’s how things went down.

 Chicago Marathon Training Week 16

Monday — Rest day/Sick day. By late afternoon on Sunday, I was huddled on the couch under a blanket with a sore throat and headache. I wrote it off to just being overly tired and had hoped a good night’s sleep would take care of it. Yeah not so much. I woke with the same sore throat, headache, and now the added bonus of being completely congested.

Tuesday — 3.5 miles. I was still feeling horrible but panicked over missing my run. So I opted to head to the gym for mill miles in case I didn’t last very long – turned out to be a good call.

Wednesday — Another rest day. Did I mention that in addition to feeling lousy, work was just insane?! This was turning into a long week.

Thursday — 6 miles. I had 8 on my plan and just decided to head out and see what I could do. My head felt like it weighed a ton, so I was pretty happy to make it as far as I did.

Friday — 10 miles. For the first time all week I woke up feeling fairly good and surprised myself with double digits!

Saturday — Rest day.

Managing a cold and miles - Week 16 is done! #mychicagomarathon #marathontraining #letsrock26.2 #runchat Share on X

Sunday — 10 miles. The first couple of miles were sluggish, but then everything clicked!

Doesn’t everyone break into a dance post-run?

Total miles for the week – 29.5
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 420.7

All things considered, I’m pretty happy with my mileage for the week, and best of all my cold seems to finally be packing its bags.

Marathon Participant Guides arrived in the mail this week – yep it’s getting real!

That’s my rundown for the week! How was your week?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. I was so happy to see your cold had packed up and left the scene. And that 10-miler and all the dancing 😉 Totally awesome! Race day is almost here 😉

  2. I’m so glad that you are feeling better now! I’m going to start loading up on Vtamin C this weeks in hopes that it keeps me healthy for race day 🙂
    Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Chicago Marathon Training – Week 12My Profile

  3. So glad to see you feeling better! You are almost there and you are definitely ready
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down Goodbye SeptemberMy Profile

  4. I am glad to see you’re feeling better. At least you got the cold out of the way before the big dance!!!
    Wendy recently posted…It was a Week of Mishaps but the Running was GoodMy Profile

  5. I’m sorry you got sick, but so glad you are feeling better now. Love your happy dance at the end of your 10 miler!
    Coco recently posted…The Best Laid PlansMy Profile

  6. Sounds like a tough week! Way to push through and get all those miles in. And that’s great news that you were feeling better by the end of the week 🙂
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

  7. So exciting when you get the book about the race or email race instructions!! Makes it very real for sure! Glad you ended on a high note. That’s the worst to be feeling down and out. Love that happy dance!!
    Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly Workouts – race week [again]!My Profile

  8. So glad you’re feeling better and you really got decent miles in anyway! Like I said on Insta: You got it out of the way so you’ll be great on race day.
    Marcia recently posted…Weekly Rundown: Who Loves a Single-Parenting Week?My Profile

  9. Sorry to hear about the cold and glad you got rid of it reasonably quickly.
    Liz Dexter recently posted…State of the TBR October 2019My Profile

  10. Great running in spite of your cold. It’s funny, sometimes I can’t run at all when I’m sick and sometimes it gives me my energy back. The marathon is getting so close!
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: Pirate’s Eye EditionMy Profile

  11. Hi Michelle! sorry so late to your blog and for not visiting lately!

    I can’t believe we are so close to the date now -I”m really looking forward to seeing you in Chicago. I know it’s nervewracking and kind of scary, the first marathon, but you’ve put in the work and you are going to do GREAT!

    Hopefully see you at the Expo!

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