Chicago Week 4: Who turned on the furnace?!

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So summer weather showed up in full force this week. Heat and humidity were on a constant high. But, until I can figure out how to train for a fall race without running during the summer, there was no choice but to get out there. Here’s how Week 4 went down.

 Chicago Marathon Training Week 4

Monday – Rest day.

Tuesday – 4-mile run.  It was tempting to sleep through my alarm since my pup had decided to alert the whole house about something he’d spotted in our yard around 3 a.m., but it wasn’t too bad once I got out the door.

Wednesday – 5-mile run. Humidity levels hit 83% – just why?!

Thursday – Spent the morning getting plants into the garden, before enjoying the holiday with family.

Friday – Strength training. I have been slacking on strength training lately so it felt good to get this one in. I had planned to hit the gym but at the last moment decided to take my workout to my back deck instead before it got too hot.

Saturday – 7-mile run. This run was such a battle both mentally and physically – just so freaking hot! It was one of those runs where you knew before you even stepped out the door that it was going to be a rough one. I had wanted more miles but considered it a win to get the 7. I’m so glad my husband J joined me – we really kept each other going!

Sunday – 3-mile shakeout run. Mercifully, the humidity broke!

Total miles for the week – 19

While my total mileage was not as high as I would have liked, the weather forecast is looking a bit better for the week ahead so that should help. I am happy that I got some strength training in,

Testing New Gear

After runfessing that I need to figure out my hydration plan for Chicago, I did some research and ordered a new handheld – the Nathan SpeedDraw Plus Insulated Flask.

And, since I’ve struggled with carrying a handheld in the past, I also decided to order a new fuel belt to test – Nathan Peak Insulated Waist Pack                        I got to run with them once each this past week and will keep using them on runs over the next couple of weeks to see if one emerges as the favorite.

How was your week? Do you run with a handheld, belt or vest?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up.

In case you missed it:  Recapping the BAA 10K over coffee




  1. I have tried a lot of fuel options….not a fan of any of them LOL I did get a vest a couple years a go, and that does work well, but the sound of the water sloshing is annoying. It has a pocket on each shoulder strap for a small bottle (10 oz?), and I use that sometimes for long runs in the heat of summer. I have a small handheld bottle I like that holds maybe 10 oz as well, it has an ergonomic design, so it’s comfortable and I can refill it along my routes if need be. I think my preferred method is to just loop back to my house. Despite the heat, you still got some decent mileage knocked out!

    • I usually prefer to just loop back to the house too, but I’m really thinking I want to carry Tailwind with me for Chicago soI gotta find an option that works.

  2. That’s some hard work you’ve put in there! But remember hard, fatigued miles are excellent resilience training!
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Sedate lady running 24 June – 07 July 2019 #amrunning #runningMy Profile

  3. Good for you for getting in that long run. I am still waiting for our humidity to break. They promise it will be better tomorrow.

    I still use my Hydraquiver. It’s a bit hot in the summer, but fuel belts spin around my waist too much. I probably could use a fuel belt on normal runs in the summer and just use the Hydraquiver for racing.
    Coco recently posted…Running In Boulder, Biking In DCMy Profile

    • I’ve always been curious about trying a vest but concerned because I overheat so easily. I’m hoping that I can secure this belt tight enough, but we’ll see how it goes after a couple of runs.

  4. This made me LOL because I had the same thought on my Saturday morning slog – “But, until I can figure out how to train for a fall race without running during the summer, there was no choice but to get out there.”

    Let me know how you like the waist pack. While I don’t mind my Orange Mud vest, sometimes it just feels too hot to have something on my back.
    Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Gearing Up For Marathon TrainingMy Profile

  5. I have a Nathan with 2 smaller bottles wondering how you like this one? Let me know! Have a great week
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…June Runfessions Too Soon to complain about summer?My Profile

  6. Nice week in spite of the heat. It sure was brutal, wasn’t it?

    I have the Nathan handheld with the soft bottles (I got some from Tailwind when I was an ambassador). I can’t say that I like those because as they empty out, they get harder to hold. I still run with the Tailwind plastic bottle, which I cover with a koozie and use a bottle band to hold it. I can’t do a waist pack because I hate things bouncing around. I’m pretty sure I have some undiagnosed sensory issues, lol!
    Wendy recently posted…Turning My Frown Upside DownMy Profile

    • This handheld is a harder flask so I’m hoping it will be comfortable enough. I’m not a fan of carrying anything – makes me tense up, but I figure I need to try multiple options. Why can’t they just have Tailwind on the course?!

  7. I’ve struggled all week as well with the heat and humidity! I do a pack for my longrun and the nathan handheld for shorter one though i drink A LOT during my runs 😉

  8. I feel for you. I had a similar week but I didn’t run as much. But I did complete (barely) 7 miles in that heat on saturday.

    I usually don’t carry water. I just loop around. But psychologically I wanted to do an out and back so I wouldn’t quit. I carried water. It was ok. I ordered a skirt that has pockets in the back for water. I just have to get water bottle for it. A vest seemed really uncomfortable so I don’t want to waste the money. I would never a race with water. I always time my walks with the water stops.

  9. Good job getting out there in this muck! Or last week’s muck, anyway.

    I have run with almost anything you can think of. For shorter runs I usually have waterbottles in pockets (which is why I love Skirt Sports so much).

    For long distance runs, I use a vest. I love it.
    Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Hot Spots: 7/1-7 WRDMy Profile

  10. That’s great that your husband was able to go with you for the Saturday run. We had lower humidity on Sunday too and that definitely helped a bit. Great job getting those workouts in!
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

  11. I sometimes run with a handheld which I like. When I do trail races I run with a vest since the races are sometimes unsupported.
    Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Cupping therapy and massage. What is it and what are its benefits?My Profile

  12. Love that melty pug!

    I feel like my miles were low this week, too. Blah.

    I don’t usually carry anything with me when I run. I loathe holding things or having things touch me and when I train for longer distances, I end up just planting fuel and drink along the route (aka my house) and just loop back.

    Glad you found some solutions!
    Jenn recently posted…my race goals for the b.a.a. 10kMy Profile

  13. Way to push through on the 7 miles! It has been super hot & humid here too! I’m looking for a new fuel belt, so I will be curious to hear what you think of the one you ordered. I can’t do the handheld ones!

  14. That was so sweet of your husband to run 7 with you! I have that Nathan bottle but somehow that membrane thing in the mouthpiece keeps getting punctured so water spill everywhere. Not sure how that keeps happening. My Ultimate Direction Hydration backpack is my best option for really long runs.
    Marcia recently posted…Healthy Time-Saving Hacks for SummerMy Profile

  15. Sounds like we are all dealing with the heat and humidity. I am *trying* to train for my half in two weeks. I am getting the miles in, but I am often walking. It’s just too hard with the humidity. Curious to hear how you will like the Nathan Flask, in particular. I have the same one but haven’t used it yet.
    The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…Weekly Run Down Over CoffeeMy Profile

  16. 7 miles!!! Good job! Your husband was sweet to go with you. Keep it up!
    Yelena recently posted…AC Seeing Red? Stay Cool This Summer by Following These 3 Easy StepsMy Profile

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