October runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month (already?!) – which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional! This is always a fun link-up so be sure to check out what our host and others are coming clean about this month.

I’m happy to say that the long-awaited fall weather that I love so much has finally decided to settle in and stick around for a bit. So here’s the kicker, as much as I love fall running,  I runfess that my mojo for anything that resembles training has gone into hiding.

I runfess that, even though I made peace with my decision to defer my entry into MCM so I could attend parents weekend festivities at my son’s school, I have felt a twinge or two of jealousy as my social media feeds have filled with excited runners’ posts counting down to the weekend.

With the way my schedule’s been going lately I’ve been hitting the gym again to get in some cross training on the Arc Trainer. Well maybe it’s the time I’ve been going but I don’t ever remember seeing so many teenagers – especially so many teenage girls in perfectly coordinated outfits, quaffed hair and makeup! I runfess that I’m starting to feel underdressed LOL!

I runfess that I purposely wait until the last minute to buy Halloween candy. The less time it’s in my house the better!

And, speaking of Halloween, while I get a kick out of seeing all of the little kids in their costumes, I runfess that I get seriously irked by the lazy teens who can’t bother to dress up, but then want to abscond with handfuls of candy! I don’t have a problem with teens trick or treating, I just want them to make an effort!

What are you runfessing?

Do you ever have race FOMO? Any lazy teen trick or treaters in your neighborhood?

I’m also joining Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five linkup!



  1. I can totally understand what you mean about being in a training funk. I am kind of in the same situation now. I’m thinking of maybe taking some different classes at the gym to mix things up a bit.

    I had to LOL about your last runfession because I am the same way. Last year we had a few teenagers come by the house and they were dressed in regular clothes and only had a mask. I gave them candy because I wanted to get rid of it but I also like c’mon! I need a little more originality, lol
    Kim G recently posted…Join me for October Runfessions!My Profile

  2. Mojo? What’s that? LOL…. I’m seriously having issues. If I could sleep in until about 8, have coffee for about an hour, then get on with the day life would be so much better. Altho the cooler weather is making it more inviting to go running…
    Wendy recently posted…Runfessions: OctoberMy Profile

  3. As hard as it is to miss MCM, parents weekend is the right decision…says the girl who missed Turnabout, Homecoming and will miss Prom next April when I’m off running London. Haha!
    Marcia recently posted…October Runfession Friday LinkupMy Profile

  4. Have you read about some areas making it illegal (a misdemeanor!) for kids older than 13 to trick-or-treat? I think that’s a symptom of a different problem in society. We live at the top of a steep hill, so whoever makes it up and says “trick-or-treat” is gets candy. 😉

    Sorry about losing your mojo. Mine got a boost from my business trip to Chicago, but now that I’m home it’s hard.

  5. When I go to the gym before work, no one is made up. But if I would go after work, there would be a lot of teenagers and not only would I feel dressed down but I would feel OLD lol. In the morning I feel young hahaha! Sorry you have FOMO. When I get that, I just avoid, avoid, avoid. So maybe unfollow those groups/people just for a little while? We had trick or treat night in our neighborhood last night (I know, PA is WEIRD!!!!) and there weren’t too many teenagers but they ALL were dressed up, said trick or treat, and thank you. I am glad to see tweens and teens still having fun but also glad they embraced everything about trick or treating, not just the free candy.

  6. I live way up in the woods in CT and don’t get trick or treaters BUT this year, being in Florida on a community road I will be passing out candy for the first time. I am sure it will be fun for all of 10 minutes and then I will be annoyed. LOL
    Patrick@looneyfofood.com recently posted…5 Pumpkin Things You Need – For the Pumpkin ObsessedMy Profile

  7. I am going to be flying out to San Fran on halloween this year so I don’t have to buy any candy for the first time ever. I have no excuses now for having any in the house!
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Chipotle Pumpkin and Black Bean SoupMy Profile

  8. Haha at the lazy teens! We dont get any trick or treaters here but I do remember when I was a teen I knew people ( mostly boys) who would do that!

  9. I totally have MCM FOMO…but Rachel is campaigning to get me there next year. #MichelleReunion 😉 I agree with the lazy teens freeloading on the candy (and probably smashing the pumpkins off the front porch as they leave)….they need to make an effort and play nice.

  10. I’m sure it was hard to make that choice, but you needed to follow your heart with that one! I had to make a choice like that with my daughter’s ballet recital last Spring!!

  11. I totally agree about the teenaged trick to treaters! We haven’t bought any Halloween candy yet and should probably do that soon!
    Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…Weird Things About Running While Pregnant & Weekly WrapMy Profile

  12. My mojo is in hibernation too, ugh! Let me know if you find a way to entice yours out!
    Salads for Lunch Blog recently posted…Mummy Hot Dog RecipeMy Profile

  13. Oh I get bothered by people at the gym who have perfect hair and makeup as my hair gets bigger and bigger and I, you know, sweat and all those things. Bet we’re stronger than them, right?
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Sedate lady running 22-28 October 2018 #amrunning #runningMy Profile

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