Harborside Week 1

Week 1 of Harborside Half training is in the books, and I’m happy to say Mother Nature cooperated by sending some fall-like temps my way. So let’s re-cap, shall we?

Monday:  Rest Day – Nailed it 😉 Both my husband and I had the day off from work so we took the kids to Kimball Farms for mini golf, bumper boats, arcade games, lunch and some of the best ice cream!

Tuesday:  A second day off from work meant more familly time! Covered 4.5 miles hiking with my family and the pup.

Wednesday: 3-mile run and a much-needed sports massage. My massage therapist spent a good deal of time on my left ankle, calf, and knee and urged me to see the chiro soon for more ankle work.

Thursday:  Between work and middle school parent orientation, my workout time got squeezed, but I did fit in my ankle PT work.

Friday:  Another run – this time for 5 miles.

Saturday:  I had planned to get some strength training in, but we ended up needing to go car shopping to replace my husband’s car. It turned into a much longer endeavor than I had expected. The good news is we found a car and got a good deal….but what a long process!

Sunday: 7-mile long run. Ths run was pretty good until it wasn’t – the ankle got cranky around mile 5 and then the mist turned into a downpour. Hello struggle bus!

All in all, not a bad first week. For this upcoming week, I need to make sure that both strength work and yoga happen. I’m also hoping to get that chiropractor visit in.

I’m linking up with HollyTricia, and this week’s guest host Montana from Pretty Lil Mudder. Please be sure to stop by and show all these ladies some love!

How was your week? Have had a taste of fall temps yet?



  1. Sorry your ankle is still cranky! Hopefully you can figure it out. I agree that car shopping is huge time suck. Hours and hours! Glad you ending up finding something at least.
    Coco recently posted…Wrapping Up Summer 2017 WorkoutsMy Profile

  2. Sorry to hear about a cranky ankle and a struggle bus run! I know those suck. Hopefully next week’s long run is better!
    Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Week 15: 8/28-9/3 (Weekly Wrap)My Profile

  3. Buying a new car is such a whole thing. Never as fast as we think!

    Sounds like a great week!!
    Rachel recently posted…Love Me Some Goal Pace! {Marine Corps Marathon Training: Week 10}My Profile

  4. Oh no…sorry about the angry ankle! Car buying is SOOO painful. We helped our oldest buy her first car a year ago when she moved to Pennsylvania, and that was a nightmare…not so much with the car dealorship, but all the red tape with her non-residency status. UGH. Glad you got a great deal 😉
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…It’s almost Go Time!My Profile

  5. The weather was awesome this week 🙂 I hope that the Full like temps continue!

    Having to replace a car is never a fun experience, but glad to hear that you got an awesome deal!
    Kimberly recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Recap – Week 15My Profile

  6. I missed my yoga last week too! Need to get on that asap. Have a great week
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Asian Slaw with Crunchy Noodles and OrangesMy Profile

  7. No fall here, yet! We are keeping an eye on Hurricane Irma, and so far it doesn’t look so good.

    Car shopping is the most agonizing thing. I can’t even handle it. New car smell is nice, but not nice enough to hold my interest lol.

    Congratulations on a great week of training!
    Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 8.27.17 – 9.2.17My Profile

  8. Nice start with training! You are so good about self-care…I need to make a massage appointment but I never put it on my calendar! Hopefully your ankles start behaving again for your runs!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Rock ‘N Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon Training Week 6My Profile

  9. Nice week! Hope your ankle feels better soon. The last week (my week of vacation) has felt like Fall but just wait….it’s back to summer heat for the next three days while I sit at work 🙁
    Anna @ Piper’s Run recently posted…Week 10 Half Training MRWMy Profile

  10. Oh car shopping. Why is it always so complicated and why does it always take so much of our time?!? Kudos to you for still getting that 7 mile run in the following day after such a long day the day prior.
    Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 13My Profile

  11. Congrats on a good first week of training and the new car 🙂 I hope your ankle is feeling better today. Rain on the long run always sucks but way to get out there and get it done!
    Chaitali recently posted…Heart Rate Training week 14My Profile

  12. Sorry about your ankle, looks like you are doing everything to make it better. Congrats on a good first week of training!
    Toni recently posted…2017 Cocoa Beach Half Marathon Training Recap Week 7My Profile

  13. Congrats on the new car, Michelle! Keep the awesome work. You’re so inspiring!

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