Small Change Update – Planning for Strength

Well it’s week 7 of the #OneSmallChange challenge! I’m happy to say that my week 6 change to regain control of my day and ever-growing to do list went very well.  My planner is my new BFF and I’m feeling less stressed.

So what’s the change for this week?



I’m sticking with the theme of planning – planning my strength workouts.

I’ve been reflecting on the good and not so good of my training and racing this year, and one thing that sticks out for me is my inconsistency in strength-training and cross-training. While I had days ear-marked for strength work, I didn’t have a concrete plan for what to do during each specific workout. If I’m being totally honest, in the absence of a workout to follow, my approach was sometimes willy-nilly.

Going forward I’m going to detail my strength workouts, mapping them out each Sunday for the week (and tracking them along with my runs). Hopefully this will help me to build the consistency and strength I want.

Tell me do you follow a strength/cross training plan or do you tend to wing it?



  1. I finally really committed to getting in at least 2, hopefully 3 strength sessions each week during my last training round and really could tell such a difference.

  2. I’m lucky in that my boyfriend/gym partner formerly taught strength and conditioning college classes, so I just let him tell me what to do. We strength train every single day, it has made me SUCH a stronger runner, and has totally changed my body composition.

  3. I am really bad at sticking to a strength workout routine. I’ll be good about it for a few weeks and then slack off. I’ve been trying to be better though!

  4. Oooh this is a great change. I used to be SO good about mixing up my strength workouts but lately I’m winging it. I seem to have a workout I default to for the sake of limited time and I hate that I do that. I’m not even challenged by it anymore. Ugh.

  5. I’m taking Boot Camp twice a week to work on strength training. It makes it a lot easier for me to know what to do…it’s harder to do on my own!

  6. I love this! My friend Dan helped me come up with a plan to work towards my two goals for 2014 and I, being the Excel nerd that I am, made a weekly spreadsheet to track my stuff at the gym. Great idea!

  7. I have the same basic routine I do M/W/F except Friday I skip the lunges and squats if I’m running long on Saturday. For a change of pace I signed up for Tina’s Holiday Bootcamp program and that has detailed plans to get me through the end of the year.

  8. Right now I wing it. I used to work with a personal trainer and that kept me more on a specific plan.

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