Race plans taking shape

We had a pretty low-key weekend around my house, which went a long way in helping me to get back to feeling like myself again. I did manage a decent 8 miles on Saturday – actually, I felt surprisingly good! It was the kind of run that reassured me that despite not logging in a lot of miles over these last couple of weeks that I haven’t done too much damage to my fitness level, and that I’m not too far off from where I want to be right now.

So fingers crossed that this cold/crud thing is behind me, I took some time this weekend to try to flesh out my race schedule for at least the first half of the year:

Wampanoag Old-fashioned 10 Miler
Frozen 5K/10K (Virtual race to benefit the American Cancer Society sponsored by Josephine over at Plant Based Runner – check out the details HERE)

New Bedford Half Marathon


Boston’s Run to Remember  (Goal Race!)


Registration hasn’t opened yet for the Boston Athletic Association (BAA) races – and they are popular so I’ll have to be quick on the keyboard to get in. I will probably add a local 5K in somewhere along the way. My oldest son has announced that he would like to run a 5K with me this spring so I cannot wait to make that happen!



  1. I read race plans and think:
    HOW FUN.
    and then I remember Im a rebel 🙂
    when I plan…I fail 🙂

  2. Glad the cold is behind you! It looks like you have some good races scheduled.

  3. I’ll see you in New Bedford!!!

  4. Love the feeling of knowing that you didn’t lose much fitness even though you took some time off. Enjoy those races on the calendar!

  5. I’m doing New Bedford too!!! Probably much slower than you!!

  6. Looks like a great line up. I love that your son wants to run with you–there is nothing better!

    Ok, do we need to set up a football wager for this weekend? ; )

  7. Nice list shaping up there! I like that you have a mix of shorter and longer distances. 🙂

  8. Looks like you have a great plan and lots to look forward to. Have fun and stay well!

  9. I’m planning to do the BAA series Michelle! It would be awesome to meet up with you again 😉

    • Would love that Amy! I’ve been debating the BAA Medley – that half course looks like no joke and I have 2 other halfs I want to do in the Fall…wondering if it would be too much?!

  10. Running a 5K with your oldest son is going to be a lot of fun and I’m sure it will be one of your favorite races of the year!

  11. Great race plan! Planning and signing up for races is always so much fun and really motivating!!

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