Do you want cheese with that whine?

This morning was one of those runs where I was seriously questioning the sanity of planning to run a half marathon in August!

Despite getting out by 6, the lovely bank display showed the temp was already 70 degrees. Mercifully, it doesn’t give the humidity reading — sometimes ignorance is bliss!

4 1/2 weeks to go until 13 miles of heat-inflicted torture…er, I mean, race day. My training plan has this as a step-back week, but I’m not sure I want to cut back on my mileage too much. I think I’m just going to go by feel and see how far each run takes me – except I probably will cut back my long run to less than double digits. For today, 4 sticky thick miles felt like more than enough – ok I’ll stop whining now πŸ˜‰

Do you include step-back weeks in your training?

Stay tuned for my McDavid USA compression review and giveaway coming tomorrow!



  1. Sorry your run was crummy… Hang in there it will get better. And at least you were out there running.

    I always have a step back week, and it is always helpful for me. I feel faster the next week.

  2. Running in the heat can be miserable! I’m not fond of it, myself. The schedule I’m following right now calls for a “recovery week” every third week, and I have really found cutting back the miles for that week to be helpful. I feel much stronger the following week.

  3. Definitely find step-back weeks valuable. Heat is hard!!

  4. i am sorry you had a crummy run. What time did you head out?
    I was out around 615 and by the time i finished around 7am the bank thermometer said 72 but it felt warmer. I too began to ask myself why the heck i signed up for an aug half marathon! LOL it must have been the race high of the run to remember! Now I am feeling a slight twinge of regret.

    But we will be there toughing it out πŸ™‚

    I agree keep training as you feel you can handle it. You know your body best

  5. Recovery weeks are extremely key to training for all distances because they allow your body to repair the damage it’s done to itself. That’s why the week after a step-back/recovery week is usually so much stronger and higher mileage.

  6. heat-inflicted torture happens during the training too lol
    Stay safe in the heat πŸ™‚

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