Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
I’m just getting in from a walk with the pup – he needed to burn off some energy and I needed a break from all the holiday-prepping. So before I dive into wrapping gifts, I thought I’d quickly join Wendy and Holly for the Weekly Wrap. Be sure to stop by and show both of these great ladies some blog love!
Monday – The day was all about ticking as much off my work to do list as possible. I did manage to squeeze in a quick mile walk to keep my Holiday Challenge streak going.
Tuesday – 4-mile run. There was a wind advisory – it was brutal so yeah this run was finished on the mill. I also had another session with the acupuncturist.
Wednesday – A nice change of pace at work had me out scouting a location for a charity race. 6-miles of trails done!
Thursday – The weather was picture perfect as I met up with Coach Marc for a 5 miler. We ran a beautiful rolling course which gave us a chance to work on hill technique.
Friday – After a brief check-in at work, my vacation officially began! I logged a quick mile walk before meeting a friend for lunch and shopping.
Saturday – I was up and out early with my husband for 5 miles before a full day of cleaning and cooking.
Including today’s trek with the pup, I logged 23.25 miles this week and reached Day 32 of the Holiday Challenge!
Given how hectic this week was, I’m really pretty pleased with how the workouts went. Today is also my last day of the 6-week FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, so I’ll be sharing some final thoughts on the program in an upcoming post.
For now, I am really looking forward to Christmas and some time off with my family. With the hopefully slower pace of the days ahead, I’ll get a chance to get back to the strength training that’s been missing for the past couple of weeks, in addition to continuing to log some miles. And catch up on some sleep…yes, sleep would be good!
To everyone who celebrates, I wish you a very Merry Christmas!