Can one be allergic to training?

So let me cut right to the chase – my piriformis/hamstring issue came roaring back this week, and with just 3 weeks to go until Run to Remember I’m starting to wonder if I’ve developed an allergic reaction to training?! Seriously, just a month ago things were going along swimmingly – I had been diligently doing everything to calm a cranky piriformis, including changing my shoes, and declared that I was raring to go with my training plan.

Now with a tempo run gone wrong and a 10-miler that quickly became a 7 miler, I feel like I clearly spoke too soon and jinxed myself.

Here’s how the week went down:

Monday: Rest day – Spent all day in heels for work presentations. No bueno.

Tuesday: Just too many hours in a car. I rolled like it was my job and called it a day, pushing my run to Wednesday.

Wednesday: 3.25 miles on a gorgeous morning

Thursday: On the plan, 6 miles with 4 at tempo pace. What happened was 5.25 miles with 3 at tempo – and “tempo” is a generous descriptor! I poked the bear with this run – by just 2 miles into it, my piriformis let it be known it was not interested in participating in the run and it was downhill from there. Add in the sudden humidity and temp spike for what would turn out to be a 90-degree day, and I had a front-row seat on the struggle bus. The more I tried to push the more gimpy my stride became so I packed it in early.

Friday: Lots of babying and bargaining with my right side in hopes to get through a double-digit long run on Saturday.

Saturday: Once again by 2 miles into the run I knew I was in trouble. It then became this debate with myself as to whether to keep going or to pack it in – when do you know if you’re doing more harm then good? I was so glad to be sharing this run with my husband J, who kept me positive and also was the more rational of the two of us to get me to stop at 7 when it was clear I was hobbled.

Sunday: Rest day with a small pity party on the side.

While I try to keep it positive and tell myself that 7 miles is still a good run, the truth is I’m worried. Once again I find myself wishing for more days on the calendar as my race date looms (remember I already missed the Black Cat 10 miler back in March because I lost time on the road thanks to the piriformis).

I’m going to plan on a mix of cross-training, easy miles, and the rehab exercises this week and keep my fingers crossed. Wish me luck!

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. If you share a weekly training recap be sure to join them!



  1. Oh, BOOOOO to that &*%$* piriformis! Why, oh why, do our bodies even need a piriformis, anyways? Mine has been feeling better, but still a bit tight. I think that fast 1-mile race (almost 2 weeks ago now) is what did me in…my form was compromised and making my body work that hard did not serve me well. I hope things get better for you….I totally feel your pain (unfortunately LOL).

    • Thanks Kim 🙂 I have been wondering aloud what the heck the point of the piriformis is anyways! I’m headed to the massage therapist at the end of the week – hoping she can help. Glad yours is feeling better!

  2. oh no so sorry to hear that you are having issues again! I have no advice for you wish I did. sending healing vibes your way
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Quick and Easy Shakshuka with Egg WhitesMy Profile

  3. Hope your massage therapist can help you out! Ugh, so frustrating!

  4. Oh Michelle – I’m so sorry to hear about your cranky piriformis 🙁 I know it’s something that has been giving you a lot of grief over the past few months. Do you think that walk/run intervals might help – especially for your long runs?

    • I had to go to run/walk intervals to get through my 7 miler this weekend. I don’t think I would have come close to getting that far without them. 🙁

  5. I know you can have an allergic reaction to exercise, but that involves breaking out in hives, not an angry piriformis! I hope you find out what is aggravating that area. Fingers crossed for a better week of training for you!

  6. I wish I had advice to give you but hopefully your massage will be a big help. I struggled with shin splints for years. Never did figure out what caused them, but they did finally stop bothering me.
    AmyC recently posted…It’s All About the View | Weekly WrapMy Profile

  7. Awe, I am sorry you had a bum week. Just remember not to be so hard on yourself – we can’t always have good weeks! Hoping this week is much better for you!

  8. Noooooooo! I am so sorry this happened again. I know how frustrating it is. Maybe back off from harder runs (like tempo)?
    Coco recently posted…There’s A New Dog In Town!My Profile

  9. Ugh ugh ugh.

    Have you just tried for easy runs? When my hip flexor went out and I was struggling, I had to come to terms that my training was going to rely on slow and easy. It sucked (and still does sometimes), but it’s keeping further injury at bay.

    I hope it starts cooperating soon. You must be out of your mind with frustration 🙁
    Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 4.29.18 – 5.5.18My Profile

  10. Hope you will feel lots better soon, I know how upsetting it is to not be able to follow your training plan or just simply to run painfree. Crossing my fingers for you that your massage therapist can help!

  11. Ah Michelle! This sucks. I’m so sorry you are struggling again with the hamstring/ piriformis. What I personally think? The bear was poked by sitting in the car too long. This happens to hubs often. He has exactly the same issue!
    I think if you will do some daily stretches, a few times (or 2) a day, you will conquer this thing and still be able to run your race! That’s me with my sport massage practitioner hat on. Me with my blogger friend hat on says keep your chin up! This is just a kink in the cable!!

    I found this, maybe it’s helpful?
    Renée recently posted…May Goals + Week 18 – Now We are PlanningMy Profile

    • Thanks for the link Renée! Interesting that your husband’s dealing with the same issue – I had automatically blamed the tempo run, but hadn’t considered the role the long car ride may have played.

  12. Michelle have you seen a Chiropractor? My daughter has chronic issues with her hamstrings that stems from imbalances in her pelvis. She’s had season ending track injuries for two years but this year made it through an amazing season ONLY because I take her for pelvis adjustments quite often. He also gives her all sorts of stretching/strengthening exercises. Hope this helps you cuz I can relate to the frustration.
    Marcia recently posted…Running is Like MotherhoodMy Profile

    • Thanks for the suggestion Marcia. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen a chiro, but I will definitely look into the adjustments. It’s great to hear it made such a difference for your daughter.

  13. I’m so sorry that you are having these issues! Does strength training further agitate your piriformis? I’m not a trainer or anything, but I know the piriformis can be overactive when the hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors aren’t activating correctly.
    Andrea recently posted…8 ways you might be sabotaging your workouts and how to overcome themMy Profile

  14. I am so sorry that this keeps on coming back for more. It sucks when you are just getting in to a grove and then an injury flares up again. Hopefully it goes away soon and you can get back to it! You are a warrior for fighting through this!
    Sara recently posted…Pittsburgh Marathon Weekend 2018My Profile

  15. Do you foam roll your IT band at all? I started doing this and it’s heled my hip/glutes problem I’ve been havin for the last 8 months. It was a game changer for me! And less sitting but so hard when traveling for a full day
    Anna @ Pipers Run recently posted…Half Marathon Training Week #10 ~BluenoseMy Profile

    • I’ve been alternating between Yamuna Body Rolling and using a lacrosse ball – it has been helping some. I need to be more diligent!

  16. I’m so sorry to hear this! I know it is very frustrating. I hope you can get it calmed down this week. Fingers crossed! Thanks for linking.

  17. Uff that is so frustrating! I’m sorry… I hope all of your hard work rolling and recovering will pay off. Hang in there!
    Amy @ Life to the Full recently posted…Rudy & The Race Across America | Rudy Project Rydon ReviewMy Profile

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