Move beyond resolutions


It’s that time of year again – time for reflection and planning…and the New Year’s resolutions. I’m not much for resolutions, but I do set new goals each year. Some would say this is a matter of semantics, but what I like about goal-setting is that goals are definable, with a clear point of accomplishment. Resolutions have no clear end-point – perhaps that’s why so many resolutions end up broken before January is done?

Well, however you choose to look at it, here are a few tips to help turn all that New Year’s motivation into good habits for 2016 and beyond.

Pace yourself — It is very easy to get too hyped up – even “over-motivated”? – go out too hard, and then fizzle, or get injured. Start small…baby steps can add up to big payoffs down the road.

Be consistent — I’ve ever read that it takes between 21 and 28 days to build a good habit, and from personal experience I believe that to be true. A little something each day during the first 3 – 4 weeks will help ensure the new habit sticks.

Break down big goals — Sometimes it’s easy to become overwhelmed by a big goal. It’s important to track your progress and celebrate small successes along the way. Don’t shy away from dreaming big – just break it down into smaller goals.

Find a partner or group — There’s a lot to be said for being accountable to someone else and having someone to draw motivation from on those days when you’re not feeling it.

Surround yourself with success — Beware of spending time around others who don’t support your efforts – they will drain you! As much as possible, spend time with others who model the behavior/habits you’re striving for.

Remember your “why” — I find whether it’s a word, phrase or photo, posting visual reminders where you’re sure to see them will help keep your goals and your “why” front and center. Energy flows where attention goes so make your goals hard to ignore and you’re more likely to follow through.

Be prepared for setbacks — When you fall down (either literally or figuratively), the key is to not beat yourself up over it, but be willing to pick yourself up and begin again.

Do you set goals or make resolutions?
Linking up with Deb for Wednesday Word – be sure to stop by and check out Deb and other’s take on “resolutions.” rp_WednesdayWordScrabbleButton.jpg

Don’t let stress be a thief

You hear it over and over again….”this is a stressful time of year!”  I’ve uttered the phrase myself on more than one occasion. And, yes there is a lot to do this time of year between year-end to do’s at work, all that goes into preparing for the holidays, trying to attend this or that party or gathering — just add in end of term school projects, concerts and the like and you definitely have the makings of a stressful time.

I’m here to say to you and myself – stop and take a deep breath! Do not let stress be a thief and steal the joy out of this time of year.

stress free

During this holiday season I am going to remember to relax and breathe, knowing that there are things that will not get checked off that massive to do list….and that’s ok. I’m letting go of perfection and choosing instead to focus on family, friends and having some fun! That’s the best gift I can give myself.

How do manage this time of year – do you embrace the madness or want to run away?

rp_WednesdayWordScrabbleButton.jpgI’m joining Deb and others for today’s Wednesday Word – be sure to check out what they have to say about “Stressful.”


86 days….



86 days until the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philly half…

Yes I counted.

86 days to see if I can get back to running double digits….

It’s been a while since I’ve seen 10 or higher staring back at me from my Garmin.

86 days to see if PT, strength work, bargaining, praying…oh yeah and running can get me to the starting line.

But I am making a promise…no a commitment… to myself to do everything that I can to get there.

I’m linking up with Deb for Wednesday Word – Be sure to stop by and see what others have to say about Commitment.rp_WednesdayWordScrabbleButton.jpg



Wednesday Word – Challenging

I’ve really been enjoying Deb’s #WednesdayWord posts, so I thought this week I’d join in.

Deb Runs


This week’s word – “Challenging”

Right now challenging to me means…

… not being able to run as far as I’d like

…. letting go of “should haves” and accepting what is

…. getting creative to keep both body and mind fit

…. finding the lesson in each moment

…. pushing beyond my limits

…. always looking for new ways to test my abilities


What does “challenging” mean to you?
