Am I Running or Swimming?

Oh, the humidity! I’ve been trying oh so hard to not complain about the weather, but this week truly tested me. The humidity was, quite simply soul-sucking but I managed to get my runs done outdoors – though it felt more like swimming than running. There was a lot of self-talk and some cursing 😉 Here’s a quick look at my week in fitness.

Am I Running of Swimming?

Monday — Extra early commute + long day in the office = Rest day
Tuesday — 2-mile walk and Full Body Strength
Wednesday — 4 miles & Core

Thursday — 2- mile walk & Yoga
Friday — 5 miles & Core
Saturday — College tour with my son = 4 miles of walking according to Garmin
Sunday — 4 miles

Perhaps it was re-entry after 9 days off from work or the impact of the humidity or probably a combination of the two, but things just felt off this week. The weather forecast is showing more of the same…sigh. If only there were a way to arrive at the starting line of a fall race without summer training LOL.

How’s the weather been where you are?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. We’ve somehow escaped most of the humidity this summer! It’s so odd, but I’m not complaining. I’ll get a taste of it when I go to Alabama this week. Stay cool!

  2. I feel ya on the humidity, but I’ve hidden from it in my basement. You are badass for running in it, and those runs will pay off at your fall races.

    Fun to be doing college tours with your son! Does he have similar or different interests from your oldest?

  3. Same weather. Soul sucking humidity. I’m over it.

  4. It got humid this past week, in Iowa, as well. It does make it tougher to summon the mojo, but you will reap its benefits come race day.

  5. Every summer, I wonder how I will deal with the humidity! It will be October soon 🙂

  6. I know- i was trying hard not to complain about the weather, but I did it this week. Well, look at it this way- your fall race will feel easy after all this heat and humidity!

  7. ” If only there were a way to arrive at the starting line of a fall race without summer training LOL.”

    Yes please. can we invent it?
    Definitely swimming. And a humid hug we did not want.

  8. Swimming, for sure. It’s just beastly here. I’m over it.

  9. that kind of humidity will make anyone feel off!!! The weather here is once again on drugs. I just don’t know anymore. Will it rain? Will it blaze? Will it be cooler? No one knows.

    how was the college tour???

  10. Nice job on getting lots of workouts in on your first week back to work after your time off from work!

    We’ve had heat and humidity, but that broke with this morning’s storm and we’re supposed to have sun and low humidity all weekend long!
    Debbie recently posted…Weekly RunDown: July 9 – 15 / A Lemonade TreatMy Profile

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