A Low-key Week

“Mulch is evil” – my massage therapist declared as she tried to work out whatever madness had settled into my upper right quad.

If you caught last week’s WRD then you know that I had to cut my “long” run short …the day after I spent an afternoon hauling mulch around my flower beds. While I didn’t feel it at the time, I had clearly tweaked something and it reared its ugly head during last Sunday’s run. Given how angry my quad felt, I decided to not poke the bear and didn’t attempt a run until Friday this week. Here’s how my week in fitness played out.

Week 23 — A Low-key Week

Monday — 4-mile walk, Core & Stretch.
Tuesday — 3.5-mile walk. This was so needed after lots of time in my car commuting and sitting in meetings.
Wednesday — 3.2-mile walk, Lower Body Strength, Core & Stretch.
Thursday —  3-mile walk and Peloton Bike. Plus a post-work massage.
Friday — 3.2-mile run, 1-mile walk, Core & Stretch. The hills on my route and my quad were not a great match, but I got through the run.
Saturday — 3-mile walk, Upper Body Strength & Stretch.
Sunday — 6-mile run. Although my quad felt a little iffy at the start, it settled down quickly and all-in-all the run felt pretty good.

I think this low-key week was just what my quad needed. And, I was still able to keep up with the #3for31 Challenge and my #OptOutside Streak (Day 43) – so I’m calling this week a win! My plan for the upcoming week is to return to my usual run schedule and continue to pay extra attention to stretching and time with my massage gun.

In case you missed it:

Boston’s Run to Remember 5 Mile Race Recap

How was your week?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join Us!



  1. I keep forgetting to add the #3for31 hashtag to my posts thanks for the reminder. hope your quad is feeling better this week. I hate it when I injure myself doing something non-running that impacts my running

  2. I’m glad you were able to run in spite of your quad being difficult. I hate when something acts up out of the blue like that. Guess you’ll have to hire someone to do the mulch, lol
    Wendy recently posted…Out of SortsMy Profile

  3. I’m glad your quad is getting better. Mine are shot after my 5K, and I’m not sure why! I am struggling with going down steps though!

  4. Sometimes a little time off of running is really just what the doctor ordered. I’m glad the 6 miler went well! No reason to run yourself into the ground, so to speak. 🙂

  5. Glad to hear that your quad has calmed down, and that you were still able to keep up with the #3for31 challenge!

  6. Good news on the quad.

    I’ve had some strange leg stuff going on. I blame it on gardening. Yes weeding and mulching is tough work. Esp at my age!

    I’ve been slacking on the walk… I need to get out there more when I am not running.

  7. So, we were twining with our “low-key” weeks 😉 I hope the quad has all of its anger worked out and is ready to play nice again. Great to see all that #optoutside activity 😉
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Keeping it Low-KeyMy Profile

  8. Glad your quad is okay! It must be better if you completed a six mile run. Your massage therapist is funny. I’ve seen a lot of gardening-related injuries too lately!

  9. Spreading mulch is back-breaking work! I’m sorry your quad was strained. Hope it’s well on it’s way to a full recovery!

  10. Mulch IS evil. I helped haul it for almost 15 hours a few weeks back, and it was the worst!

    I hope you can get back in action this week!

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