Week 2 – Still Looking for My Rhythm

The start of 2022 is definitely giving me a run for my money. The week was both hectic and stressful as I was wrapping my last full week of work in my present job, trying to prep for my new position, and awaiting word on my mom and when she’d be released from the hospital.

The weather whiplash continued. Ma Nature served up some brutally cold days with the windchill hitting negative digits, so I accepted that the treadmill would be part of my routine for the week. Here’s a quick look at my week in fitness.

Weekly Run Down – Still looking for my Rhythm

Monday — Full-Body Strength, Core, Peloton Ride & Stretch.
Tuesday — 3.1-mile run, Core & stretch. “Feels like” -8 put a big “nope!” on an outdoor run.
Wednesday — Upper & Lower Body Strength & Stretch
Thursday — 3.1-mile run, Core & Stretch. The forecast showed a rare afternoon warm-up so I waited until after work and snagged my only outdoor run of the week.
Friday — 1.5-mile walk & Yoga.
Saturday — 4-mile run, Core & Stretch. Back to negative temps and back to the treadmill.
Sunday — Present view is my mug of coffee. I’m still feeling creaky after yesterday’s run so there will be time on my yoga mat, and if the forecasted warm-up holds true, there will be some miles walking.

Thanks to everyone who reached out with good wishes for my mom. She’s doing well and we’re hoping to have her leave the hospital today! My last day in my soon-to-be-old job is Tuesday so the upcoming week should be much quieter – alleluia!

In case you missed it:

Fit Five Friday – The Importance of Building Your Base

How was your week? Are you dealing with artic temps too? 

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. Hoping all goes well with your mother and she is released, as planned. You had a great week, dancing around the weather (I know that gig, LOL). Good luck with the transition to your new job!!

  2. I’m getting ready to head out for a run shortly and as much as I’m looking forward to it after taking the past week off, I’m not looking forward to the fells like 13°.

    It’s so good to hear that your mom is continuing to do better and I hope she is released from the hospital today as planned.

    Yay for your new job, congrats! Is it the same company and a new position or a new company?
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: January 9 – 15 / Taking Time to Rest and RecoverMy Profile

  3. Fingers crossed for your mom’s homecoming and all the best as you transition into a new job. Very exciting! Yeah the weather has not been cooperating very much for running here lately. I’m kind of glad I’m not training for anything right now.

  4. Glad to hear your Mom is doing better. I hope she gets to come home today.

    Are you taking time off between jobs? Regardless, I hope the transition goes well. It is exciting!

  5. I had the same question as Coco- I hope you have a little time off before you start your new job.
    Glad your mom is doing well, and you’re getting your workouts in! I can see how this is a stressful time for you. Hopefully things will ease up a bit next week.

    • Yes, thankfully I’ll have a few days off before diving into the new position. Hopefully some time off and having my mom home will translate into a quieter week.

  6. Good news on your mom. Hope she gets discharged today. It is so hard to watch our parents age isn’t it? Hope this week is a lot more relaxing for you and that you have some me time

  7. I hope your mom is heading home as I read this! That will definitely help you breathe a sign of relief, I’m sure. Although I can’t believe you are changing jobs at this time!

    You absolutely deserve a quiet week, Michelle, and I hope that you get it.

    It’s been mostly very cold and icy here with another storm potentially on its way tonight into tomorrow. I see shoveling in my future.
    Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Slowing Expanding: 1/10 – 16 WRDMy Profile

    • Yeah, the timing on starting the new job is not ideal given all that has been going on – but, on the other hand, it’s something fun and positive to look forward to.

      We’ve got a potential storm heading this way tonight too. Stay safe and warm!

  8. I’m so glad that your mom is doing better. We are so lucky to still have our parents, aren’t we? Good luck with the job transition. I hope it goes smoothly!

  9. Happy news about your mom.

    Good luck with your new job. I hope you like it!!

    Brrrrr is al I can say. A challenge to run outside but once you finish you realize how great it felt.

    Looks like another storm will miss us but just some nasty sleet and rain.

  10. Great news about your mom! I’m so happy to hear.

    Congratulations on the new job! How exciting!

    The weather has not been great across most of the country this January…hoping February is milder!

  11. I am so glad your mom will be coming home. What a relief.

    It’s arctic temps for here, but I know you are all getting it so much worse.

    So glad next week is going to be quieter for you.

  12. It’s been such a busy start of the year for you. So happy to hear that your mom is feeling better – I know that had to be a scary experience. Wishing you all the best as you start your new role!

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