Just one of those weeks

Do ever have those weeks where everything feels just a little off? That was definitely me this week. Perhaps it was the short work week (which always feels so much longer!) or perhaps it was the weather (so much rain!) – or a combination of the two? I felt like I spent the whole week trying to find my groove.

Here’s how the workouts went down.

From Thursday’s Run – the calm between storms

Weekly Run Down — Week 27

Monday — 5.25-mile family hike. I took advantage of the day off and relatively moderate temps to go check out some new-to-me trails with the family.

Tuesday — 20 min Full-Body Strength, 10 min Bodyweight Strength, and 10 min Core.

Wednesday — Rest Day. After Sunday’s run, Monday’s hike, and Tuesday’s strength sesh, my right hip let me know that perhaps I’d been a little overzealous – so aside from some extra time spent stretching, it was a rest day.

Thursday — 2.75-mile run, 30 min Upper Body and 10 min Core. I tried not to poke the bear (aka my hip) and kept the run short. Everything felt good so I call that a win!

Friday — 30 min Ride plus 5 min Cool Down and 10 min Core. I don’t usually do many of the Peloton live rides, but this was Robin’s first ride back after about 5 months off following the birth of her daughter. She’s one of my favorite instructors and I just knew this was going to be a good ride and it did not disappoint!

A sweet moment at the end of the ride when Robin and her husband introduced their baby girl

Saturday — 2.5-mile walk, 10 min Core, and Yoga. I always like to keep the day before a race fairly chill, and given my unpredictable hip low-key seemed like the right choice.

Sunday — Race Day!  By the time this post publishes, I will be somewhere along the course of the Narragansett Summer Running Festival 10K! Yes – my first in-person race since February 2020! You won’t be able to wipe the grin off my face 🙂

How did your week play out? Do you find short work weeks challenging?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. This week was definitely off. Ugh….

    Congrats on your race!!! Didn’t it feel great to line up for a real live event?

  2. An in-person race, wow! And a great outfit for it.

    I have a week off this coming week and I feel weird about it – fortunately my out of office puts a banner at the top of my email so I won’t forget and go to work!

  3. This week definitely felt off! By Thursday I had completely forgotten that I had been off on Monday. We had lots of heat and humidity (what else is new lol). Hope you enjoy your race today!

  4. The short weeks ALWAYS are crazy long because it seems like you only have four days to get five day’s worth of stuff done. Yay for a live race! IT feels so good to have those returning 😉 Your race outfit totally kicks buttocks, just saying 😉

  5. Kim’s right that the short weeks always feel off. Congrats on your race! It so nice to be racing with other people again. Great job!

  6. Yes! This week was off for sure. I work for a bunch of companies and can I just say there’ve been some really crazy, in a bad way, things going on. It’s like the worst in people has been drawn out. Cannot wait to hear how your race went!

  7. This week did feel kind of crazy for me too. So excited for your that you got to do your 10K. Can’t wait for an actual race again. Look forward to hearing all about it

  8. Well like Wendy, the week started off good . . . anyway, sounds like you ended up with a good week.

    I hope you had a great race! Looking forward to reading about it.
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  9. OMG I thought Robin was already back! I have taken a few of her classes but did not pay attention to the date. 🙂 She is great and I will have to check out that class. I like short weeks but then they do feel off too.
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    • I think they had released a couple of her recorded classes, but this was her first live ride. It was a good one so definitely check it out.

  10. Darlene S. Cardillo says

    So excited for you having run a live race. Can’t wait to hear about it.

    Yes I agree. This was a long week.

  11. I didn’t have off last week but like you I did find it a bit off – I wasn’t as productive as I would have liked and missed a couple of runs that I should have done. Hoping for a better week for both of us! And can’t wait to see your recap from your race!

  12. Even though I was off from work last week, I still felt a little off too, especially with Elsa coming through the area on Friday.

    So exciting about your first in-person race and I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  13. Well, I was on vacation last week so today I feel like I have no idea what’s going on. i had a short moment where I couldn’t remember what time I was supposed to be at work, ha ha.
    Hope your race went well! I’ll bet it felt amazing to be out there again.

  14. Yay on your race! I’ll be looking forward to the recap. I grew to love Robin while she was on leave, so I’m excited to see her back. Not sure I want to do any of The Heights rides until I see the movie, which I want to do!

  15. Aww Robin’s baby is so cute!
    Congrats on the successful race and totally feel you re: lack of groove.

  16. So Mr PugRunner ended up working on Monday, so THAT threw me off entirely. I don’t know what’s going on anymore LOL!

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