Some April Runfessions for Fit Five Friday

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional! It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and me! So, let’s get started, shall we?

April Runfessions

I runfess that I think I have a psychological block when it comes to mileage goals. I’m fine when mileage is part of a challenge (like run across the state, etc), but as a stand-alone, run XX miles goal for the month, not so much. I’m not a fan of feeling like I “have to run” just to hit an arbitrary target.  So for now, I’m letting go of any thoughts of annual mileage goals and the calendar math that goes with it, and we’ll just see how things play out in the end.

I runfess that the minute I made this decision earlier this week, I felt less stressed.

While I absolutely love the abstract pattern and purple color of my new Adrenalines, I runfess that it sometimes bothers me when they clash with some of my running outfits. Hmmm, do you think it’s time to do some shopping?

Now that our governor has given a green light to the return of road races, I runfess that I’m a little giddy to see the flow of race emails hitting my inbox. I already had plans to run one of my favorite 10Ks this summer, and now I finally feel like I can do some fall race planning.

Any runfessions to share? Do you set mileage goals? 

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

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  1. Sometimes I pick which running shoes I’m going to wear based on my running clothes. But i have a few pairs of black shoes that go with everything! I’ve started to see some more race E-mails too which has been exciting!

  2. I never set mileage goals, Not my gig, and I agree with you…the number in my head makes me feel pressure to run more miles when I shouldn’t… all for the sake of bragging about it. But, I respect that kind of a goal drives others to stay active, so it’s great if it works them. I’m a color freak and an art geek, so I don’t mind if my shoes clash with my outfit LOL Sometimes, I choose a shoe for that very purpose 😉

  3. I admit to feeling the same when my shoes clash with my running outfit! Mostly tho, I have a pair of neutral shoes that work well with everything, lol

  4. The last several pairs of running shoes I’ve had have been black. I love that they go with everything but I runfess I’m a little tired of the same color all the time too. The ZOOMA crew is thrilled about the MA announcement! Here comes ZOOMA Cape Cod this fall!

  5. I have never really set mileage goals before but currently I am aiming for 20 miles a week and it’s working well right now.With no races in sight, I don’t see the need to push it. We are going to Nantucket at the end of June and I did look to see if there were any races there when I was visiting. Nothing yet! I of course agree with you that I don’t like it if my shoes clash with my outfit. I think you may need a back up neutral pair!

  6. No mileage goals, and never had. When I was training for something, I’d keep an eye on my weekly mileage, because I knew where I needed to get to to potentially race injury free. Otherwise I really don’t care.

    But they motivate a lot of people.

    Nope, I haven’t felt the itch to race. At all!

  7. I like to coordinate, but I don’t worry too much about my shoes — but I don’t have any wild ones in rotation right now.

    I feel you on the numbers. I did my long run today and am already feeling stressed about being “behind” on my May miles. Ugh.

  8. I never set mileage goals or and don’t about the color of my shoes. I wear a lot of black shorts and tights so I guess anything goes.

    Good news for Boston runners – right? Are there capacity caps or COVID restrictions for the races? We have live races with some restrictions. They are lifting restrictions if you’re fully vaccinated for events (to encourage more people to get vaccinated) here so we’ll see if that goes toward races!

  9. I runfess that i probably won’t sign up for any races this year. i also haven’t received any emails yet about local races for the Fall and Winter, but I’m sure they will start coming soon as CT will be fully open by mid-May.

    for the past 2 years I’ve set a goal to run at least 50 miles a month and that seems to work well so I’ll just stick with that for a while, lol

  10. I definitely have noticed more stress/anxiety when I’m trying to target a certain mileage for a month, so I can totally relate!

    It’s really going to be exciting to see all the races come back!

  11. I think if you need matching shoes, you should get some matching shoes! Go for it!

  12. Darlene says

    Yay for races.

    I have a annual goal. But I’m not fixated on it. If it happens it happens.

    Shoes don’t match! But more. Lol.

  13. I agree 100% on not having a mileage goal. I remember a few years ago that I was so close to getting 1,000 miles for the year and so frustrated that I couldn’t make it. The next year I hit the goal easily…and then felt really empty. There was nothing magic about hitting the 1,000 mile threshold. For me running has to be a “want to”. It’s not fun when it’s a “have to”.
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  14. i’ve never set monthly or yearly mileage goals, but I do usually have a planned mileage goal for each week. I have no problem adjusting it up or down depending on how the week is going though. i agree, mileage goals can cause stress if they’re too rigid.
    Jenny recently posted…Countdown to Freedom!My Profile

  15. I runfess I have hit that psychological block with my mileage goal too. I wanted to run 1500 miles this year. Now I get stressed if I don’t run 30 miles each week. Ugh!

    And…I always think it’s a good time to do some running clothes shopping! Do it!!! 🙂

  16. Though I rarely would post it, my goal was to run at least 1,000 mile each year. This year I increased it to 1,200. However, I will NOT stress out if it doesn’t happen. It is more of a fun and motivating thing for me. My shoes rarely match my running clothes and that is OK. But I am all for getting new shoes anyway! 🙂
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Fit Five Friday and April 2021 RunfessionsMy Profile

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