Weekly Run Down Memorial Day Edition

Happy Sunday!

Wrapping up week 10 here on the Corona trail. While it was another stress-filled work week, knowing that I had the 3-day weekend coming helped to make it more manageable.

I’m happy to say that the Family Plank Challenge is still going strong. Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s workouts…

Monday — Triple Tabata workout courtesy of Marcia’s new YouTube channel. If you haven’t checked out her workouts yet, you really should!

Tuesday — Rest day. This was not planned rest day, but a restless night of sleep put me behind the eight ball and while I kept promising myself I’d find time for the workout later in the day, it just didn’t happen.
Wednesday — 2.5 miles plus PT exercises. I wasn’t able to connect with my PT this week for our usual Wednesday session so I made sure to dedicate a solid 30 minutes to try to keep the hip happy.

Chasing my shadow on an early morning run

Thursday — 3 miles.
Friday — Yoga.
Saturday — Strength training in the form of yard and garden work. J and I planted 19 plants plus started beds of lettuce, trimmed a couple of overgrown decorative trees and shrubs, and took out one monster of shrub with a root system that seemed to go on forever! (Note~ this is what happens when you neglect all gardening in favor of marathon training like I did last year – everything gets unruly!)

Sunday — Virtual 5K for the Un-Canceled Project. Oh my goodness everything hurt when I got out of bed this morning. I like that I had this 5K scheduled or I might have punted on running. There were certainly no land speed records set with this run, but it felt good to complete my third Un-Canceled run.

Some positives for the week…

…this week was a wrap for my high schooler and now he’s officially a senior! My eighth grader will wrap up this upcoming week and his school finally announced plans for the virtual graduation ceremony for the first week of June.

…our new washer arrived on Wednesday. Delivery and installation were easy peasy. At some point, I’ll have to make time to figure out what all 14 cycles do! 😉

…one more week of madness and some major work projects will wrap-up. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

How was your week? Taking on any major house projects?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. So glad that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel with work and other projects! You should celebrate next weekend 🙂

    I’m right there with you about the Un-canceled project. If I didn’t have the 10k in mind all week, I probably would have done strength training instead of running this morning. I like that the challenge is holding me accountable.

  2. It seems funny to think about “a day off” in the context of being at home all of the time, but I am so ready for tomorrow’s holiday. It was the last week of school for us as well and we have two very happy kids. Congrats on your miles!
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: If Not Now, When?My Profile

  3. I’ve been doing some cleaning up and decorating of our deck. I think I will spending a lot of time out there this summer. Hope this week is less stressful for you! Have a great rest of your weekend. Thanks for linking

  4. I feel you on the gardening DOMS (though your efforts were definitely much more intense than mine). After my run yesterday, and then all the DEEP grass roots I had to yank out (from that awkward squat stance), I was beat. Those tights in your first pic…absolute badass!

  5. 14 cycles on a washing machine? I hope one is for sweaty running clothes. ;-). We really need to do some yard work. My husband has let some weeds get out of control because “at least they’re green.” Hooray on the family plank challenge. I hope work settles down!

  6. I agree with you on the Uncanceled Project too! I would find it so easy to bail on that Weds 10k–or at least cut it short. Nice work getting it done, especially after that yard work.

    I’m having sleep issues too–I wake up every night at 2 am. I don’t get it!

  7. Well done on the Un-Cancelled 5k! Sometimes it’s good to have something scheduled that forces us to do things. 😉
    You’re still doing the plank challenge! How many minutes can you plank now?
    Hopefully, things will lighten up at work for you. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel gives hope!
    Catrina recently posted…My Running DreamsMy Profile

    • This was truly my main reason for signing on for the Un-Canceled project – I need something on the schedule to help keep me focused!

  8. Great job this week! I dont do any yard work but I would imagine that its no joke. Glad things will ease up for you soon!

  9. 14 cycles? What?

    Congratulations to your kids! It’s not as fun with the virtual ceremony, but I’m glad the school is doing something to commemorate their accomplishments. We aren’t in a milestone year, so nothing was really missed for little man’s class.

    Hope your hip is feeling better!
    Jenn recently posted…week 21 (2020): school’s out for summerMy Profile

    • I agree, I’m glad the school organized something. It was such a bummer to see him miss out on all of the end-of-year 8th grade activities 🙁

  10. How does a washing machine have 14 cycles? I am so happy to be doing these challenge as they’ve kept me motivated. I don’t want to miss /skip a run.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: A good week of running and being kindMy Profile

    • Seriously the wash cycle line-up is kinda silly – for ex., I’m not really sure the difference between “bedding” and “towels” – they probably all do the same thing and it’s just a marketing gimmick LOL!

  11. Nice job! And I’m glad your washer worked out! My sister wants to buy a dryer but she’s worried that it won’t fit through her back door!

    We’re getting a new front door and what I thought would be straightforward is turning out to be a little more complicated…
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Weekly Rundown: Memorial Day WeekendMy Profile

  12. Oh wow have fun with that new washer! I swear yardwork is never ending. I’ve done SO much weeding and I’ve barely made a dent. Thanks for trying out my workouts! I appreciate it!

  13. Good work, and well done for resting when you needed to. I’m growing vegetables for the first time and that’s enough house stuff for me at the moment

  14. So glad you have a light at the end of the tunnel. Or root system. That shrub looks like it’s Audrey 2 to the soil. My brother, SIL had to do the same re: a bush they inherited when they bought the house.
    Well done keeping your hip happy.

  15. Gardening is my strength training. mulching, planting, weeding UGH!

    Our house needs a lot of work all of a sudden…deck painted, new roof, pruning bushes. Waiting to see this pandemic through first.

  16. So exciting – my daughter will be a senior next fall too! I know what you mean about the yard work. Our yard was out of control a few years ago. We had to pull out so many overgrown bushes and plants! Yard work is exhausting!! It really is worth it though.
    Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – seems like old timesMy Profile

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