Chicago Marathon – I did it!

After 18 weeks of training, I can’t believe that race day has already come and gone! I’m not even sure there is any way to sufficiently recap a marathon. There was so much to take in – the sights, the crowds, the distance…and unfortunately an angry hip flare-up that almost derailed the whole thing!

Chicago Marathon Recap

I was so happy to learn that IG friend Pam was not only staying in the same hotel but was also in my corral! So we made a plan to meet in the lobby at 6:45 to walk to the start together. I only managed to get a few hours of sleep Saturday night – no surprise – and I was up and moving long before my alarm. My husband J and I met Pam and made the 3/4 mile walk to the start. J and I said our goodbyes and Pam and I headed through the gate. It was so great hanging out with Pam, we chatted like old friends and it really helped to keep me calm.

As our corral inched its way towards the start I started to get a little teary – I was really going to do this! Pam and I hugged and wished each other a great race and like that, we were off!

Early miles

My plan was to break the race up into 4-mile “buckets” much the way I did with my long runs. Bucket 1 flew by in a blink and J was right where I thought he’d be.Β J had a pretty elaborate plan to try to see me multiple times on the course – I didn’t think there was any way he could hit all the spots he had planned…but spoiler alert he pulled it off, and I’m so glad he did!

The miles continue to click off and I was feeling so strong. I was hanging near the 5:30 pace group and the miles felt breezy. I hit mile 8 – bucket #2 was done. I started feeling some mild discomfort around my right hip. I saw J again and mentioned it to him but wasn’t too concerned. I snagged some Biofeeze from one of their tents, quickly slathered it on and pressed on.Β By mile 10 the discomfort had quickly gotten much more intense and I slowed a little.


I plugged along and enjoyed every moment of the crowds. People were amazing and so encouraging!Β I stopped at the next aid station around mile 12 to get some help working out the intensifying knot in the muscles around my hip. While my angry hip had flared up occasionally during training, I’d been feeling really good during the final weeks leading up to the taper. I was so frustrated, but my new friend Larry helped to loosen the knot enough to get me moving again.

I hung on until just around 17 before making my second stop at an aid station. Here I met an angel of a woman named Michael. She was so positive and encouraging and did some deep tissue work to get my hip to cooperate again. When I told her it felt better and I was ready to roll again she yelled “Go finish this thing!” and I was off.

Final Miles

The crowds through Pilsen and Chinatown were amazing and I really fed off their energy. By the time I found J again at 23+ my right hip was beyond unhappy and I took my longest walk break. I remember telling myself that this was a good day because I was out there going after my goal and a lot of people don’t get to do that. There were just over 2 miles to go.

As I came down Michigan and looked up and saw the street sign for Roosevelt I thought I was going to cry. Up “Mount Roosevelt” and as I turned the corner I could see the finish line. I pushed with whatever I had left and reached my number one goal – I crossed the finish line upright and smiling!

Some Final Thoughts

I cannot say enough good things about the Chicago Marathon! I loved the course running through all of the neighborhoods and the spectators throughout were just incredible. The course support from the water stops & aid stations were top-notch.

To be honest, I am disappointed that my finish time doesn’t reflect what I think was a really solid training cycle. I know that you “shouldn’t” put pressure on yourself for the first marathon, but, as with any race, it is hard to train well and not have it come together on race day. Nonetheless, it was an amazing feeling to cross that finish line, and I’m really proud of my effort on a tough day.

A huge thank you to everyone for the support and encouragement – a special shoutout to my family, and my amazing husband who put up with my special brand of crazy these past many weeks!



  1. Wow, simply WOW! You got me all teary-eyed again, this is such an incredible achievement πŸ˜‰ I’ve had hip pain (that came from outta nowhere on race day LOL), so I know what that feels like…glad you were able to get some help with that. You said it all…crossing the finish line with a smile is a victory! Huge congrats, Michelle!!!!

  2. Oh, so sorry that your hip bothered you so much during the race. Thankfully you were able to get some good help along the way! Congrats on finishing as that is a huge accomplishment!
    Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…GoLite. Earth Friendly Activewear.My Profile

  3. So incredibly proud of you Michelle – I cant say it enough!! You persevered even when your body tried to stop you. You are a MARATHONER!!!

  4. you got me all teary too! So so happy for you and you look so happy. You really had an excellent training block behind you. This is what I told Kim: the countless hours of training and hard work that you put in month after month is the real accomplishment. Race day is just a victory lap. Congratulations again! It was really fun to watch your training and cheer you on
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Eat Seasonally Meatless Fall Recipes To Make NowMy Profile

  5. Say it again….You are a MARATHONER!!! Even though you didn’t get the time you were hoping for you still rocked it! It was so nice meeting you this weekend! Congrats again and enjoy your accomplishment!!!

  6. Yay. You did it. I hope I can too.

    I had pain the last 7 miles of my 29 miler. I know what you feel like.

  7. Congrats on your first marathon Michelle! How awesome was it to run Chicago?! You fought through the pain and finished, so all the hours spent training on the road paid off. I admire your resilience πŸ™‚
    Elaine D recently posted…Self-Reflection to Unlock your MotivationMy Profile

  8. I’m so proud of you! That sucks that your hip decided to be a jerk during the race but I’m glad that you were able to get relief at the medical tents.
    Kim G recently posted…2019 Chicago Marathon Race RecapMy Profile

  9. You did it! I’m so proud of you! Marathons are funny things and all sorts can happen. i was quite upset after my first as I had trained well but then it was HOT and it wasn’t supposed to be, and I didn’t have the resilience to deal with it, so it all went a bit wrong. But you know what: I’m now bloody proud of that. And so should you be of yours!

    Love the pics and well done to hubby for hitting all the spectating spots – not an easy thing to do.

    Now there’s something in my eye … I’m not crying, honest!

    W E L L D O N E ! ! !
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Sedate lady running 14-20 Oct 2019 #amrunning #runningMy Profile

    • Oh thanks so much Liz πŸ™‚ And I cannot say enough about my husband’s efforts to get around the course – it really helped to see him so often!

  10. Aw, Michelle. You did so awesome. I totally understand your frustration, but you are a marathoner, and no matter what, nothing will change that <3

    I hope you've gotten some rest and your hip is feeing better. Congratulations!
    Jenn recently posted…the return of the cupcake run!My Profile

  11. Congratulations! You did have an amazing training cycle! And you are a Chicago Marathon Finisher!! I’m sorry your hip acted up, but glad you were able to get help and get through it. I LOVE that your husband was able to see you so many times. I know that can make such a big difference!
    Coco recently posted…If It’s Not One Thing It’s AnotherMy Profile

  12. Way to go Michelle! I’ve heard Chicago is an incredible race and it certainly looks that way. πŸ™‚

  13. Congrats MARATHONER! I know exactly what you mean about your logical brain expecting a race commensurate with the strong training you did. I’m so sorry your hip acted up. Mad props to you for holding it together and finishing! A massive accomplishment for sure! Chicago was my first as well and I remember feeling the same way about the neighborhoods and crowd support. How awesome J was able to catch you at all the spots!
    Marcia recently posted…If Loving Trails is Wrong I Don’t Want to Be RightMy Profile

    • Thanks so much Marcia! I swear those spectators carried me through so many tough spots – Chicagoans will always hold a special place in my heart πŸ™‚

  14. Congratulations on the race and on pushing through with that hip pain!
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

  15. Congratulations!!! I’m sorry you had hip troubles on the course – I’m glad that you were able to get help at the aid stations – I would have probably just suffered my way throughout without trying to stop! You worked so hard this training cycle. The crazy thing about marathons is that they always come with surprises. I still remember the surprise GI issues and my Nike+ watch dying in the last few miles of the race….d’oh! Glad you had a great experience in Chicago!

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