Chicago Marathon Training – Half way point

Chicago Marathon training week 9 is in the books which means I’ve officially reached the halfway point! Say what now?! This week definitely challenged me! Here’s how things went down.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 9

Monday — Rest day.

Tuesday — 4-mile run. I wasn’t feeling so hot in the morning so this became an afternoon run. And, given how stressful work was, this road therapy was so needed!

Wednesday — 6 miles and a glimpse of the start of a new day.

Thursday — 6.25 miles. While mile 1 was a sluggish mess, things quickly settled down and this ended being my best run of the week!

Friday — Rest day.

Saturday — 14.2 miles and a new personal distance record!

Sunday — A 4-mile recovery run is on the schedule for today, but my left knee wasn’t feeling so great this morning so I may opt for either a walk later or some yoga – or both.

Total miles for the week – 30.45
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 195.6

Week 9 is done and I'm halfway through Chicago Training! #runchat #running #mychicagomarathon #marathontraining Share on X

Managing the long runs

Saturday’s run went much better than last week’s 12-miler. I did a much better job of managing my fueling for this week’s long-run – though there’s still room for improvement. It also helped that the humidity of the past few days broke and temps were in the mid-60s for a majority of the run. Just like last week, I did the run in two parts: an 8-mile loop stopping at my house for a quick bathroom break and then on for the final 6.

The struggle bus started tailing me around the 10.5-mile mark, but thankfully I crossed paths with my oldest son who was out running 6 and he helped to “pace” me. While I couldn’t keep up with him, I made it my goal to just keep him in my sights and it really helped to have him to focus on. Self-doubt started to really creep in at 12-miles – I was starting to feel sore and tired, and the thought of two more miles felt like too much. Hearing my Garmin beep at 14 miles was just the sweetest sound!

Having tried a few different fueling options over the past three weeks, I’ve had the best results so far with SIS Salted Strawberry, along with Tailwind. So I’ll be ordering more SIS for the weeks ahead.

Overall, I’m really happy with the way my training’s been going so far and I’m ready for the next 9 weeks

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. Well done on your longest distance ever!! So pleased you’ve had a solid training cycle so far. Keep doing what you are doing, and the next 9 weeks will only continue to strengthen and build you. Chicago, here you come!
    Shathiso recently posted…FNB Platinum 12km Trail Run, Race RecapMy Profile

  2. Congrats on halfway! That is huge and you’ve been killing your workouts so far. Do not worry one bit about struggling those last couple of miles. Totally normal! They are totally NEW territory for your mind and body and you will adapt and STEP UP! I love that your son was there to help pace you. So awesome!
    Marcia recently posted…One Last Week Then Back-to-SchoolMy Profile

  3. Congrats on your longest run ever! I think that your training is going very well so far.

    The SiS salted strawberry is my favorite flavor too. I purchased the pineapple and berry which I still need to try, but I feel like I will stick with the salted strawberry on race day – it’s just so easy to digest.
    Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Chicago Marathon Training – Week 5My Profile

    • I tried a couple of the other SIS flavors and just couldn’t stomach them. I also tried a couple of other brands but I think the salted strawberry is the one!

  4. I think I say this every week, Michelle, but you are totally rocking this 26.2 training business 😉 Like Marcia said, each new distance will seem a little tough (because it’s new territory), but I bet you’ll be amazed at how your body will just go through the motions (even if your mind isn’t “all there”” LOL) for it. Keep on keeping on…you’re doing awesome!

  5. Congrats on your longest distance ever! It will begin to feel easier with each long run. I’m a little jealous that you got weather in the 60s for your run though. It won’t get down to the 60s until October here!
    Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Ft. Desoto 5k Training Week 6: 8/5 to 8/11My Profile

  6. Congrats on making it to the halfway point. It seems like your training really is going well. Glad you’ve found fuel that works for you too. That’s so important.
    Coco recently posted…Bastille Day Run DownMy Profile

  7. Nice work this week! And congrats on your PDR! I hit a PDR on the trails this week – 18 miles. And it was my longest long run in 4 years. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the long distance training again. I feel so out of practice!
    angela @ happy fit mama recently posted…Last Week’s WorkoutsMy Profile

  8. Seriously crushing your runs again this week. Nice job on the 14 miler. I have never run that far either! I hope you are really proud of your efforts so far! Hope you have another great week
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down Embracing the August HeatMy Profile

  9. Congrats on hitting your highest mile run! It feels weird to go past 13.1, doesn’t it? Like swimming out past the buoys.. Anyways, I couldn’t help but thinking while reading your recap that marathon training is more than just logging miles. It’s really all about teaching the body and mind how to adjust to running far. You’re doing great!
    Wendy recently posted…EMPOWER Summer Camp: The RecapMy Profile

  10. Yay, congrats on that distance PR! That’s huge. And it sounds like you’re managing smartly on those long runs with fueling and planning multiple loops around your house.
    Chaitali recently posted…Richmond Half Marathon – training week 4My Profile

  11. I still struggle with fueling for long runs as well. I guess that’s what training is also for, trying out what works and what doesn’t… I’m lucky I’m one of the few people who actually loves GU 😉
    Laetitia recently posted…2019 Berlin Marathon Training: Week 10My Profile

  12. Woo hoo, halfway done! That’s so exciting! congratulations on your longest long run! I’ve been pseudo-training (which is more than usual for me) so all is good on my side of the world. Looking forward to seeing you in October!
    The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…Feeling EMPOWERed after a Weekend at CampMy Profile

  13. Road therapy is such a wonderful and true phrase. Hope your knee settles
    I’ve bailed on a couple of the recovery runs in order to stay healthy
    Cari recently posted…Vermont and other mischiefMy Profile

  14. Congrats on halfway! I know how those runs feel when it’s nothing but stress at work… sometimes I don’t manage those runs well and sometimes they are the best runs ever! Obviously we can’t control everything right? but how sweet it is when the runs feel amazing, OR when we reach our longest training distance EVER! Whooo Hooo!

    So good that you’ve figured out the fuelling too. I’m still working on that. I wonder if my endurance is also low because I’m NOT fuelling enough? Food (literally) for thought!
    Renée recently posted…WRD: Week 32 – ProgressMy Profile

    • I was talking with my coach about my fueling – or lack thereof, and he’s certain that I’ve been underfueling and that it’s impacting my long runs. That will be my focus on my next run.

  15. I definitely find that I often do well with a rabbit to chase — glad your son was your rabbit!

    The weather has been so back & forth this summer it’s just been crazy.
    Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Do the loco-motion with meMy Profile

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