Chicago Week 7 – Just Running

Is it possible to feel on one hand like the days are flying by, but on the other hand feel like this past week was the longest week ever?!

Well, that pretty much sums up my past week. It was a stressful work week, but training kept chugging along. I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down. This is a great link-up for motivation and inspiration!

Chicago Marathon Training Week 7

Monday – Rest Day!

Tuesday – 5-mile run. It was raining hard when my alarm went off so I pushed my run to the afternoon and was rewarded with a break in the heatwave!

Wednesday – 5 miles with Coach Marc. I always enjoy catching up with Marc for a run – it gives us a chance to talk about how training is going and I can work on my chi running form cues. As always, we spotted a lot of wildlife during the run, but seeing this little guy (and his friends) crossing the road stopped us in our tracks!

Thursday – 6 more miles plus yoga.

Friday – Rest day and a trip to the acupuncturist.

Saturday – 10 miles. This was just a hard run from start to finish. You know those days where you’re just not feeling the run – yeah that was this day for me.

Sunday – 3 miles. My husband and son decided to join me for my recovery run this morning – but truth be told, my son left us in the dust fairly quickly. He opted to do 4, we stuck with 3.

Total miles for the week – 29
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 133.15

I stuck with my plan for short strength/pre-hab workouts this week along with core work. As the miles increase, I think this will prove to be the best way to fit in some strength training.

So that’s my weekly run down! How was your week?




  1. Great week Michelle! These training weeks are clicking away for you. That’s so awesome your son will bust out 4 miles just like that! I’ve had a couple of sightings here of those very animals. Looks like a Lobstergram escaped! Haha!
    Marcia recently posted…Intermittent Fasting While Traveling and Summer CampMy Profile

  2. It sounds like it has been really helpful for you to have the chance to run with your coach in person every so often. You seem to be in a much happier place with your running this summer
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down Summer Summer SummerMy Profile

    • I feel like it’s night and day the difference between where I am with running this year vs. last. Keeping my fingers crossed it stays this way!

  3. What an unexpected critter! Congrats on a solid week. Monday was such a relief here too
    Cari recently posted…Plop, Plop, Fizz, FizzMy Profile

  4. It sounds like a great week. Way to push through that 10 miler despite don’t feeling it. It must be great to have a coach to run with. I can see how that would be helpful. I hope this week goes well.
    Coco recently posted…Catching A Cool FrontMy Profile

  5. I love the pic of you with the son and your hubby 😉 I’d love to get at least one of my kids to join me, but it’s just not possible these days with them scattered everywhere. The hubby sometimes joins me, but that’s mainly for short 5K’s that he hasn’t trained for LOL Your training is going so well, keep up the great work!
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…A week of Miles and SmilesMy Profile

  6. A good strong week and 10 miles of horrible running is still ten blinking miles you pushed out – well done!
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Book review – Steve Haywood – “Narrowboat Dreams” #20BooksofSummer #amreadingMy Profile

  7. Great job, Michelle! Your training is going well. Bummer your 10 miles on Saturday felt hard, but you got it done.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Not motivated to run and some new running gearMy Profile

  8. It’s been so much fun to watch you crush your training this summer. I swear, having a coach really makes a difference! Here’s to hoping for some cooler temps this week!
    Wendy recently posted…‘SUP!My Profile

    • Without a doubt working with a coach has made a big difference! And I’m glad we started working together months before this training cycle – I think it’s helped.

  9. Another great week of training Michelle!
    Good job on your long run – it can be so hard to push through when you’re just not feeling it!
    Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Chicago Marathon Training – Week 3My Profile

  10. That’s great that you can meet face to face with your coach.l That must be helpful.

    I have to admit that all my runs seem hard but if I get in the miles, all is good.

    I think you are right on track but then again what do I know. NYCM is my first…so I’ll be winging it and hoping for the best.

  11. Another good week of training. Running with the family is fantastic!
    I like to meet some special critter while running too. Often, when I run in the country, I give freedom to the birds that I find prisoners in traps.
    Black Knight recently posted…Another stopMy Profile

  12. That’s a crazy sight on your run! Lol! My week has been a mixed bag. I got in some good runs but then struggled with a migraine for most of the weekend which put the kibash on good running.
    Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Natural Migraine Remedies and Prevention StrategiesMy Profile

  13. Yikes! What was that thing you saw on your Wednesday run? It probably would have had me turning the other way 🙂 Great job with all the workouts this week.
    Chaitali recently posted…Richmond Half Marathon Training Week 2My Profile

  14. what is that creepy crawlie?!?!??? yuck!!

    good week Michelle – I do know those runs though. all my long runs up until yesterday felt like that. I’m already trying to think of where I’m going to run next Sunday and how I’m going to tackle it… I have 13 miles on the plan.
    Renée recently posted…WRD: Week 30 – StrongerMy Profile

  15. Great job, Michelle! I’ve really been enjoying following your training updates each week – and considering this crazy hot summer, I think you’re killing it!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Get Stylish Sun Protection with Shady Rays Allure SunglassesMy Profile

  16. Good job on the runs, the yoga, and the short ST. I’ve been doing that too — I found it’s so much easier to actually motivate yourself to do something short — and just like running, sometimes you’ll go longer when you do, but if you don’t at least you’ve done something.
    Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Why am I here?My Profile

  17. Way to push through the tough 10 miler! I had one of those runs on Saturday too and I had to convince myself to keep putting one foot in front of the other!!

  18. Is that a lobster??? How funny!

    Your training is so strong and you are doing a great job, even if some of those runs are tough. You should be proud of yourself!
    Jenn recently posted…race report: BAA 10K {06.23.19}My Profile

  19. It’s just so fun to see when your husband and son join you on your runs! I can’t even get my husband to go on walks with me.
    The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…Race Weekend Recap: Rosé 5K and Napa to Sonoma Half MarathonMy Profile

  20. Fantastic that you had company for your run, even though your son broke away from the pack! Well done on a solid week of training even with the demands of work.

  21. Wow great job!
    Holly recently posted…What Are The Advantages of Beekeeping?My Profile

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