Chicago Marathon Training Week 5

Could someone please find a way to slow these days down a little?! While the summer heat is making running a challenge, I am by no means ready to wish away the season.

And, speaking of days flying by, it’s hard to believe that I’ve now finished 5 weeks of marathon training. Here’s how the week went down.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 5

Monday — 4-mile run.

Tuesday — Spent all day at a conference for work so this was a “rest” day.

Wednesday — 5.25-mile run. This run was the highlight of the week! There was a break in the humidity, and everything just seemed to click.

Thursday — 5-mile run. Oh, what a difference a day makes! The humidity came roaring back and this run was just a miserable slog.

Friday — Yoga.

Saturday — Narragansett Summer Running Festival 10K (recap to come)

a total sweat fest, but so much fun!

Today was all about hanging at the beach!

Total miles for the week — 20.45

Week 5 of @chimarathon training is in the books! #runchat #mychicagomarathon #marathontraining #keepshowingup Click To Tweet

Despite the humidity, the miles rolled along. I knew it was going to be a challenge with my schedule to fit a strength workout in, so I switched things up and went with daily core work and that worked well. Coach Marc wants to try 5 days of running this week so I may stick with shorter strength workouts. I want to keep up the core work and key exercises focusing on my hips and glutes. I’ll be curious to see how I feel running for 5 days.

How was your week? How many days a week do you typically run?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. I am impressed! You have really had a stellar start to your training even in the heat and humidity. I am a 3x a week runner. I wish I could do more but I need the day in between off and I do my strength training on those days. Thanks for linking up!
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down Flash Floods, slurpees and cycling adventuresMy Profile

  2. I’m so proud of you and how well you are doing with this training plan! I’ll be curious to hear how you do with 5x/week running. I did 4x/week for my marathons. Now I run 3x/week and I won’t lie, I miss that 4th day. But my body doesn’t.

    Have a great week!
    Wendy recently posted…Hot FunMy Profile

    • Awww thanks so much Wendy! No lie, the thought of 5x/wk makes me a little nervous, but I promised myself from the start that I would just embrace the training plan day by day and see how it goes. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  3. I’m excited to hear more about your race…your smile certainly indicates it was a great day 😉 Your 26.2 training has been going well 😉

  4. Awesome job with week 5 of training!
    I think that doing the daily core exercises in lieu of extra strength training was a good idea. Its so hard to fit everything in when training!
    Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Chicago Marathon Training – Week 1My Profile

  5. the beach is my favorite part of your week.

    Can’t wait to hear about the race.

    You are rockin this training.

    I feel like a slacker.

  6. great week Michelle and DAMN you look STRONG in that last photo!!! good going!
    Renée recently posted…WRD: Vacation Catch-UpMy Profile

  7. Great week! I try to run at least four time, and I do Orange Theory once a week which has a little bit of a running component. Working on increasing the distance I run outside of my long run though….
    Laetitia recently posted…2019 Berlin Marathon Training: Week 6My Profile

  8. Isn’t it crazy what a difference heat and humidity makes? Way to kick butt though and stick it out on those miles when the temps switched up on you. This seems like a solid week so I can’t wait to see how you’ll do as your training goes along!
    Virjinia @ With Purpose and Kindness recently posted…Running Tips for Beginners!My Profile

  9. How can you be 5 weeks deep into training already?? Time flies too fast, even in this heat. You’re slaying your training! I ran 3 days/week for all of my marathons except 4x/week for NYCM. I’m a less is more kind of girl.
    Marcia recently posted…A Week of Intermittent FastingMy Profile

  10. I feel like our summer is almost over! Our kids go back to school in early August, so we are at the end! Dang it!

    I run 3-4 days a week.I wish I could do more but my body just isn’t on board with it.
    Jenn recently posted…riots #25: summer vacation part 2 + coming homeMy Profile

  11. You are really doing great with your running. Yes, you are “glowing “ in that last photo but look at those shoulders—your strength training is paying off too!
    Coco recently posted…Father’s Day Run DownMy Profile

  12. I run around 4-6 times a week when I’m training for something and 3-5 when I’m not training for something specific
    Jenny recently posted…Why You Should Go to the Race ExpoMy Profile

  13. The training for the marathon in summer is tough but you are doing a very good job.
    Now I run 3/4 days per week but before the incident my scheduled plan was 5 days: the cross training included swimming.

  14. Good mileage! I usually run three times a week, sometimes four, and I like to do 20 miles a week or a little more as I find that keeps me well. Now there is no racing, haha! And I hear you on the time rushing by – how is it now July and all my races done I’ve been planning since November?
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Race Report – Race to the Stones 2019 2nd Day 31 mile / 50 km ultramarathonMy Profile

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