Five tips to become an early morning runner

For this week’s Tuesday Topics,  Kim and Zenaida have invited everyone to share their Summer Running Tips. For me, summer running is synonymous with early morning running!

I recently made the transition back to early runs, so I thought I’d re-share a post I did a couple of years ago offering some tips on how to become an early morning runner.

Becoming an Early Morning Runner

This post was originally published on June 23, 2017, and updated on June 11, 2019.

Now that summer is officially here, and temps are on the rise, I’m back to running early in the morning to hopefully find some of the cooler temps of the day. I’ve shared before some benefits of early morning running, so today I thought I’d share some tips on how to shift your clock to become an early morning runner.

Get some sleep: OK let’s start with the obvious – if you want to get up early, you’ve got to get your zzz’s, so of course, that means you’ve got to get to bed at a reasonable time.

Be prepared: Layout clothing and gear the night before – eliminate the need to stand in a dark closet fumbling around for something to wear or skipping a run because your Garmin is not charged!

Lose the snooze: Put your alarm clock out of reach! If you have to get up and out of bed to turn off your alarm, then you’re less likely to hit snooze.

Ease into it: And speaking of that alarm, I’d recommend starting slowly. Don’t set your alarm that first morning for o’dark thirty right off the bat. Ease your way into the early morning hours by shifting your wake-up time back over the course of several days.

Find a buddy: Knowing that someone is waiting for you will get you out of bed. You never want to leave a friend hanging.

Tips to become an early morning runner #TuesdayTopics #Runchat #SummerRunning Click To Tweet

What’s your best tip for becoming an early morning runner?



  1. Get a dog! LOL, seriously, this morning, she woke me up at 5:30 wanting to go out.

    I am a morning person anyways, so getting up early isn’t too difficult for me. Great tips for those who aren’t!
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…5 Reasons and 6 Tips to be More Mindful on the RunMy Profile

  2. ALL of these are my golden rules (and way of life LOL). It’s been a while since I’ve done a serious late afternoon/evening run!
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…The Good and the (not so) BadMy Profile

  3. I so wish I could do it but I just can’t! Our 5:30 am run is really popular with our members but I would just be dead the rest of the day. Happy running to you
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Favorite June Workout Photo MemoriesMy Profile

  4. Since it is summer i’ve been doing my runs in the morning but nothing too early. I’m not a 5 AM-er…lol. I’ll go around 8, but thats still probably too warm.

  5. I’ve been working on this lately too. My goal is to run at least 3 mornings a week and the other two workouts can be at night (2 off days a week for me) So far I’m hitting 2 morning runs 2 night runs and then try to fit in a short workout on the extra workout day.

  6. I LOVE running in the morning. I got a little lax with it during the school year but it was cold and my kids were at school so I could run later in the morning. Now that it’s summer I need to get my booty out of bed earlier. 🙂
    Rachel recently posted…Race Recap: Grandma’s Marathon 2017My Profile

  7. All great tips, as I realize I want to get my morning run finished as early as possible tomorrow! Having my clothes laid out in advance always does the trick!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…5 Favorite Spring Races You Should Run Next YearMy Profile

  8. Those are seriously the best tips – I’m terrible with my alarm clock

  9. I do nearly ALL of these things! And after several years now I automatically wake at 4:45 am. 😉
    Gina recently posted…Grandma’s Marathon – A Race to Remember!My Profile

  10. I think that finding a buddy is probably the most important tip. I’m always less likely to skip a workout/run if I know a buddy will be there. I never want to leave anyone hanging!
    Kimberly recently posted…My Favorite Marathon Training ProductsMy Profile

    • Getting out the door used to be so much easier for me when I knew my running buddy was waiting (she lives next door). When she got injured and couldn’t run with me I started to let the clock slide.

  11. Good tips. Especially getting to bed early!

  12. I used to not be a morning person, but having a child has changed that. Now that school is finally done for the year, I’m looking forward to more running in the morning.
    Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…2017 ZOOMA Annapolis Half Marathon RecapMy Profile

  13. Great tips! I am definitely a morning runner. If I don’t get it done first thing, it’s not going to get done at all!

  14. These are all great tips!! I am an early runner and I love it!!!
    Toni recently posted…2017 Echo Half Marathon Race RecapMy Profile

  15. I always have such good intentions to get out early…and mostly never do. I am too distracted by everything else and by the time I get out the door it’s way too hot and humid!
    The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…Spydergrip 2.0My Profile

  16. I do all of these, except the “get more sleep” one LOL My body just seems to wake up on its own before 5:00 most mornings. I do set my alarm earlier for the “#5at5” mornings, but often times I wake up before that, too. I wish I could make myself sleep longer by going to bed earlier…but nothing shuts off (my mind or body) before 11:00. First world probs, right?
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Early Morning Running is Where It’s at!My Profile

  17. I’m definitely easing in to morning workouts. For now I’m just going to focus on two morning workouts per week and then build on that. Slow and steady win the race, LOL.
    Kim G recently posted…Tuesday Topics: Summer Running TipsMy Profile

  18. To me sleep is the most important one! I try to go to bed early but sometimes I get home late and then I struggle the next morning. However, since now I get off work at 12:15, i can come home and take a nap. 🙂
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: My Summer running tipsMy Profile

  19. Having a PLAN and getting everything ready the night before are key for me. Good luck with your summer MARATHON training! 🙂
    Coco recently posted…2019 Lawyers Have Heart 5K Race RecapMy Profile

  20. Great tips! Since I retired, I don’t have to get up quite as early to get my runs in, but I will need to beat the heat this summer. I used to run early in the morning with a friend. It was motivating because I had committed to meeting her at a certain time and place. Now I run with my hubby. We sometimes give each other permission to turn off the alarm! 🙂
    Laurie recently posted…Bringing Your Full Self to Your Whole LifeMy Profile

    • Having someone to run with is a huge motivator – I used to run with my neighbor and knowing she was waiting for me at the end of my driveway always got me moving!

  21. I still cannot seem to get up at 0 dark thirty to run but I am getting up earlier. It does make a difference!
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…How To Survive Summer Running (And Make It To Fall)My Profile

  22. These are great tips! It can be so hard to get out of bed when you know you have to go for a run so early, but these tips really set you up for success!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…1/2 Sauer 1/2 Kraut Half Marathon 2019 RecapMy Profile

  23. I used to be more of a morning runner in the summer. Nowadays though it’s got to be really hot & humid to get me out there that early (there was a lot of it last summer while training for my 18 mile race, though!).

    Great tips, Michelle! I especially like the one about easing into it.

    I think my only other tip would be to lay out multiple outfits (cause the weather can change dramatically overnight sometimes! and for me, Mr. Judy is still snoozing then so I don’t want to be rooting around in drawers — and therefore turning on the light).

  24. I wish I could hit the roads/trails in the early morning but I have my kids at home and they are too little to leave by themselves 🙁

    If I did run early in the morning I would lay out my clothes the night before to make sure that I was prepared.
    Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Muscle Knots: What are they and how to treat them.My Profile

  25. Thanks for sharing! I am seriously trying to start working out in the morning but it’s hard for us night owls! I need to become a morning person. Getting to bed early is the first thing I’m going to work on!

  26. Honestly, I can’t remember a time I didn’t run in the morning. My schedule (and the weather) just never allowed for later. I can’t imagine running at night, now!
    Jenn recently posted…riots #18: school’s almost out for summer!My Profile

  27. I run early in the morning maybe once or twice a week. I don’t know if this helps but after getting some well-diserved rest I normally wake up, gear up and wait thirty minutes while standing to relieve myself from sleep, before heading out. This keeps me calm and I get to familiarize myself with the task at hand. It’s not easy waking up but this routine helps me out.
    George Hervey recently posted…10 Best Backpacks with Matching Lunch Bags/Boxes 2019My Profile

  28. Early morning run had always proven to be so effective for me. The early rush of endorphins helped me to get through my daily routine effectively.

    Moreover, it helps to smooth my mood in these troubled times i.e COVID-19.

  29. Thanks a lot for sharing such a great piece of article! I found it a good helpful write-up with a good sound and explanation. Here I got a number of concepts that is definitely helpful for runners who loves to run early in the morning. Please keep sharing more updates!

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