Final Runfessions of 2018

Believe it or not, it’s the last Friday of 2018, which means it’s time for the final runfessions for 2018. Marcia has opened the runfessional, so let’s dive in shall we?

I runfess that I definitely indulged over Christmas Eve and Christmas… and I’m just fine with that! Moving on…

As my social media feeds have been filling up with runners celebrating their mileage goals for the year, I runfess that I’ve been debating whether to set a mileage goal for 2019. I’ve never done one before but I’m wondering with marathon training if this is the year to go for it or does this just create undue pressure?

I runfess that I am just about at the end of my rope with my gym membership. On my last couple of trips to the gym, there were easily at least 4 cardio machines with notes on them announcing repairs needed; and this seems to be the norm more and more. Combine this with bad gym behavior and the soon to be New Year’s fitness resolution rush, and… you can see where I’m going with this.

Cleansing my sole with some final runfessions for 2018! #runfessions #runchat #fridayfive #runnerslife Click To Tweet

I am super excited to return to more racing in 2019! Thanks to a nagging injury I ran just 4 races this year. And, while I certainly don’t think you need races to be a runner, I really enjoy both the camaraderie and challenge races provide. I runfess that with all the “early bird” registration specials coming across my email someone may have to hide my credit card!

I runfess that, being a mostly solo runner, that I was initially nervous about running with my new coach. But I’m happy to say that I’ve found the runs to be both challenging and enjoyable, and I am amazed at the difference these guided runs have already made. My husband has commented on the difference in my form and I can certainly feel a difference when I’m running. Makes me very hopeful for 2019!

So tell me what are you runfessing? Do you set yearly mileage goals?

I’m also linking up with Meranda and Lacy for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness.



  1. Hope you have a heathy 2019 and are able to run more races.

    I get nervous about running with faster runners. Most of my friends are slower and that may not be a good thing.

    I hope to return next spring and fall to some training groups where there is a coach and faster runners.

    1000 miles was a goal that I did not reach but it was not because I was injured for that I am happy.

  2. So glad that the you like working with your new coach! It seems like you’ve had some really good runs lately.

    I totally get what you mean about the gym. When machines have a repair sign on them for more than a week I think that’s unacceptable. Also bad gym behavior seems to be the norm lately which is super annoying. I think I may skip a few classes at the gym in the beginning of January depending on how full the gym is.
    Kim G recently posted…Join Me for December RunfessionsMy Profile

  3. I’m so glad to hear that things are going well with the new coach! Sometimes it’s hard to accept help for something we are good at–I guess it things aren’t going the way we want, sometimes its better to have an objective look at what we’re doing. Here’s to a better 2019!
    Wendy recently posted…Runfessions: Holiday OverloadMy Profile

  4. Sounds like the form changes are helping! Awesome! I’ve never been a mileage tracker. I suppose my Garmin tracks it but there are times I don’t even wear it. Cheers to a great 2019!

  5. Oh, wow, I bet having a coach actually run with you would be great. I’m sure I could learn so much! I don’t set mileage goals because they stress me out!
    Coco recently posted…December RunfessionsMy Profile

  6. Glad the coach has been a great fit for you!! I think the mileage goals are a personal thing (?). Some people publicize the number for their own accountability. I have never been one to set such goals because I know I’d focus too much on the number and overlook/ignore niggles while on such a quest 😉 I hope we can hook up for another race in 2019 😉
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Run(streak)fessionsMy Profile

  7. I also signed up for lore races but I really plan to use them as lead up workout races and to allow me to break of the monotony of training a bit. I love that working with a coach is working out so well for you!

  8. I would be frustrated by the gym membership too! I hope you find a better option for 2019. Happy New Year!!

  9. I never set yearly mileage goals. For me the important thing is mileage when I’m training, otherwise I run what I feel & still try to keep up a decent base. I’ve never really stopped running since I started about 10 years ago so it seems to work for me.

    I’d LOVE to be signing up for more races but right now things are just a little unsettled. I’ll do some local races, though, no doubt (the shorter ones).

    I actually love running with someone, but so far, since I lost one of my running buddies, I’ve really had trouble finding someone at my pace or who doesn’t mind doing intervals.

    • It definitely sounds like your approach to running is working for you! I think finding a compatible running buddy is hard – it’s one of the reasons I usually run solo.

      • I had one, but unfortunately she doesn’t run too much anymore.

        I have my group, and I occasionally run with a person in it, but in general, they’re all a lot faster than me & don’t run/walk, so usually I’m still on my own.

  10. Sorry to hear about your gym! :[ I really wish mine had more squat racks, hehe.

    I’m glad working with your new coach has been helpful! Have fun with your races next year! :]

  11. It sounds like you enjoyed the holidays 🙂
    Glad to hear things with your coach are going well!
    I still am on the injured list, but I hope at some point in 2019 I will be able to run again!
    Cheers to a wonderful year of running ahead!
    Esther recently posted…Best of 2018 recipes!My Profile

  12. My mileage goal for last year was mainly to get 20+ miles in a week rather than the annual goal, as I worked out from marathon training in the spring that 20-35 ish a week keeps me well. Interestingly, it was after two weeks of my runs being one week short and two weeks very erratic in timing that I got a cold …

    Anyway, hope you have a fantastic 2019. I have two official races booked so far, which appears to be double what I did this year!
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Book review – Christopher Fowler – “The Book of Forgotten Authors” plus a book confession or threeMy Profile

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