Weekly Wrap – Catching up

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This a great link up to find support and motivation, so be sure to stop by to share a weekly training recap and show these great co-hosts some love!

When I last checked in on my “training” a couple of weeks ago, the piriformis/hammy issue was in full rage. The plan was to back off – run easy, cross-train, and focus on rehab.

And that’s just what I’ve been doing for the past two weeks. Progress has been slow and steady, but I’m happy to say there’s progress. Run/walk intervals are a must right now, and while hills and any attempt at speed are a big no-no,  I was super encouraged by yesterday’s “long” run of 6.5 miles. The first 4 miles of that run felt better than I have in weeks.

I’ve been doing my best to focus on every positive I can while also trying to come to terms with facing my second DNS of the spring thanks to this nagging injury. I do have the option of dropping down to the 5-mile distance, but I haven’t decided what to do yet. I was so looking forward to running this half – it’s one of my favorite races and was going to be my “goal race” for the spring. While I’ve run the 5-mile option before, it just doesn’t have the same feel. Perhaps it’s better to just draw the curtain on the spring race season and move on.

I recently shared this on Instagram as it has become my mantra. I still have so much running and racing to look forward to this year, so I need to put this nagging pain in the arse (literally) behind me once and for all.

Have you ever had to put racing on hold? Tell me something about your week? Have you checked out my Stride Box giveaway (see here)?



  1. That is a great mantra! Glad to hear you are feeling more positive this week
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Wrap Rain Rain Go AwayMy Profile

  2. I”m glad you had a better week. I think I’m going to adopt that mantra. I’m pretty bummed about DNSing my race today.

  3. I’m glad to hear the “arse” is feeling better! My latest PF issue has really blindsided me, because it was always my left side that gave me attitude before (it’s the right side this time). Thankfully, this doesn’t feel as severe as the left was, but I still know I need to take things easy so it doesn’t escalate. Stay strong!

  4. Sorry to hear that you keep having this injury reoccurring. But like your motto states, it is not forever! This too shall pass! Hopefully sooner than later.
    Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…Weekly Wrap…May 20My Profile

  5. I’m so sorry that injury is still nagging you. The Piriformis is a stinker. I’ve adjusted my sails so many times with running. Just do what you can with what you have. Cheers to progress!
    Marcia recently posted…Look What The Cat Dragged InMy Profile

  6. Yes, I’ve had two DNS 2 years ago and one last year – my goal race. It was actually really upsetting not to run my goal race and have to pull the plug 2 days before the race due to health problems (which tured out to be nothing). However taking care of yourself now is so important.

  7. Injuries are the worst. I’m just coming back from a knee injury and while my knee doesn’t bug me so much anymore, that whole leg is clearly still adjusting and getting stronger. I had a lot of tight quad issues last week and it made training stall a little. I loved that quote!

  8. I’m sorry that you are struggling with this. It’s a really tough spot to be in.

    I recently wrote about dealing with DNFs and DNSs and I’d love it if you would check out that article and let me know if you find it helpful.


  9. Oh, that’s a great mantra. I tend to develop blinders and can only see what I’m dealing with at the moment. Bodies Heal — that’s one of my mantras. Sometimes it takes a little longer than what we want. Fingers crossed you can still run in the half, but at least there is another option if you need it. Thanks for linking!

    • Thanks, Holly. I’m fairly certain at this point that the half is off the table. I would be waaaay undertrained if this nagging injury would even let me get through the distance…and I admit I have no interest in hobbling through a race.

  10. Yay, that’s great news that your plan is working well and you’re seeing progress!
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

  11. Happy to hear that you had a better week and that the run/walk intervals are working for you during your runs!

  12. I’m sorry you’re having hamstring trouble. My knee and leg have been cranky since I started a new workout. I am holding off racing and training until end of summer. I hope you have a great week!

  13. I love that mantra. It’s so appropriate for so many different situations.

    I’m a firm believer in run/walk intervals, especially if they help push you through a rough run.

    With regards to this second race, you’ve got to follow your body and your heart. And then your brain. Your brain will always tell you that you can’t. lol You’ve got to do what’s right for you and there is definitely no shame in that.

  14. Sorry to hear your injury is still nagging you.
    I had a DNS once after a stomach bug. I went to the Expo (still convinced I would feel better for race day…HA) but could barely stand up while I waited for my bib.
    Rest and get well soon.
    Denise @ runheartfit recently posted…Weekly Wrap: A week of “I was planning on…””But I did this instead…”My Profile

  15. Wish I had that last week! But it’s still a keeper! I hope you get better soon – being injured stinks!
    Angela recently posted…Iron Girl Journey: From a Different PerspectiveMy Profile

  16. Ugh! I hate this for you so much!

    Personally, I’m the kind of person who would drop down to the 5 miler. I would just feel like I was getting SOMETHING out of the event. But I can also understand how it doesn’t feel the same and you might not want to.

    I had to take a small hiatus when I hurt my hip flexor and it was ridiculously difficult. I was very resentful and hated all the other exercises I was doing to try to fill the running hole. Those were not my favorite months.

    I hope you start seeing some consistent improvement soon!
    Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 5.13.18 – 5.19.18My Profile

  17. Though I’m not a runner, I’ve had to put my own version of training on hold for many reasons. Sometimes it’s due to injury, and other times, I just need to admit that it’s time for a break.

  18. That’s a great saying for a lot of situations. 6.5 miles is a solid distance – sounds like you ARE getting better.
    Coco recently posted…Getting Ready To Run 13.1 in DenverMy Profile

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