Weekly Wrap – Looking for Spring

After dealing with a 3rd nor’easter in a little over 2 weeks, to say I’m ready for spring would be a huge understatement!

Storm aside, it was a fairly uneventful week. J and the boys were away enjoying some skiing for spring break, leaving me and the pup at home to enjoy a quiet house.

Monday – Yoga – Of late, I’ve been enjoying some of the yoga workouts from DailyOm. Currently, I’ve been trying out the “Gentle Yoga for Athletic Restoration” course.

Tuesday – I had hoped to get an early run in before the snow really got going, but when the high winds woke me up at 3:30 a.m. I knew a run was highly doubtful. Instead, I wracked up a couple of hours of shoveling and playing in the snow with my dog – Cross-training – check!

Wednesday – I felt like a pretzel thanks to all the shoveling so I was very happy to have already had a massage planned. In reviewing her notes, my massage therapist raised the question about my newest shoes. Interestingly, it would seem that there might be a correlation between when my current woes started and my switching to the Mizunos. While it could be nothing, we agreed that I’d back off running in them for a bit while I focus on getting back to 100%.

Thursday – Snow mounds and black ice, meant a return to the mill for an easy 3 miles.

Friday – PT exercises (and yes, the plank streak continues – Day 75!)

Saturday – 5 more miles on the mill. I could have taken this run outside, but I admit I’ve lost my desire to bundle up and brave the cold wind. The gym was quiet and the March Madness games were a good distraction.

Sunday – Another yoga session with the DailyOm.

While the right glute and hammy are still cranky, I’m in a much better place than I was just two weeks ago, and that’s a good thing. I’ll be curious to see if changing up the shoes makes a difference.

Have you ever swapped shoes due to an injury?

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.




  1. Interesting about your shoes…a couple of summers ago, I wore an old (but favorite) pair of shoes for a short 2-mile run. Oh those shoes felt so good, I wore them again (a few days later) for a 5K. My piriformis felt weird and achy (and it had been in hibernation). A week later, I wore an old (different) pair of shoes for a trail run…and OMG. Things were a mess after that! So…I’d say your gal is on to something. Even if your newer shoes are a good shoe, your body may be adjusting to the change in fit or support. Hope things feel better soon!

  2. Shoveling snow must be a killer workout (although I’ve never done it!). Your issues could certainly be due to different shoes. I changed from Mizuno to Brooks years ago and it almost crippled me. But it took a long time for the light bulb to go off and figure that out. So, it’s definitely worth a shot to find out! Fingers crossed you find the answer quickly. Thanks for linking.

  3. So glad to hear that your 5 miler went well and that the injury is feeling better – what a great sign!

    The weather is just…I have no words. Even though Spring “starts” on Tuesday, I don’t have high hopes LOL

  4. Interesting point on the shoes. I’m starting to wonder if my trusty Mizunos aren’t so trusty anymore. I hope you don’t get a fourth Nor’easter this week ….
    Coco recently posted…Finding The Right Work Life BalanceMy Profile

  5. Glad to hear that you are on your way back! I need to check out that DailyOM for when I cannot make it to class
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Wrap Peak Cherry Blossom TrainingMy Profile

  6. I have definitely sustained an injury because of my shoes. I remember the incident distinctly. Ugh. Well at least I hope you get to the bottom of the issue. I hope all that snow melts permanently for you soon!
    Marcia recently posted…Spring Refresh and Roasted Red Pepper DipMy Profile

  7. I’m having issues with the Mizunos that I’ve been wearing. My feet keep rolling in. So I need to find new shoes as well. Let me know what you end up with!

    Yeah, enough of winter already!
    Wendy recently posted…Life’s a BeachMy Profile

    • That’s interesting Wendy because I noticed that my feet are rolling in too! I caught it on some pics I took from behind running away from the camera.

  8. I’ve definitely had problems because I was running in the wrong kind of shoe or overused shoes. I hope switching shoes is the answer for you. Hope you’ve seen the last of Nor’easters!
    AmyC recently posted…Strength and Swimming | Weekly WrapMy Profile

  9. Nice job with your workouts! I had reached over 300 miles in my shoes so I just got a new pair of Mizuno Wave Riders that I started running in this week. I definitely think the shoes can make a difference!

    Can we just get spring started already? This winter is relentless!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…New Jersey Marathon Training Week 11My Profile

  10. Glad to hear that you are feeling better!! Hopefully that trend continues. Shoes can make a big difference. Once I ended up with the wrong pair of shoes and that lead to IT band syndrome.

    I’ve never heard of the daily ohm….I need to check this out!
    Sara recently posted…GCM Training: Week 8My Profile

  11. Well I’m glad you’re progressing with your hammie and glute. Progress is progress!!
    Rachel recently posted…Grown Up Grilled Cheese with Avocado-Apple SaladMy Profile

  12. I hope the weather starts getting much warmer for you!!! I can’t imagine still dealing with crazy Winter!

    I always rotate my shoes, but haven’t ever had to die to injury.

    Have a great week!!

  13. I can not wait to get a massage this week after my marathon. I don”t want to get one too early because I think I wouldn’t enjoy it as much from being super sore. I have never swapped shoes due to an injury, but my sister has and she really thinks it was the shoes she was wearing that caused the injury.
    Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…Lucky Charm RaceMy Profile

  14. Oh my goodness, did you see now we’re supposed to get ANOTHER storm tomorrow?! And why do they always happen on Wednesdays – my son’s only full day at school when I work, lol. I’m ready for spring too my friend!

  15. I actually think I need new shoes again! My right foot always acts up when it’s time for a different pair.

  16. There are certain shoes that work better for me when I am hurting. Incidentally, I really love the Everrun in the Saucony and the Boost in Adidas when I am sore, especially in my hips and glutes. For some reason, I feel like I’m not working as hard, and I credit a lot of that to the shoes. Just my experience 🙂

    So much snow for you guys!
    Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 3.11.18 – 3.17.18My Profile

    • Yes! I’m a big Saucony girl too. I started trying other shoes when Saucony started messing with the Kinvaras – why do shoe companies feel the need to tinker?! LOL! I’ve never tried running in Adidas.

  17. Hope you can figure out what’s causing the issues and have shoes that work great for you.
    All these posts about all the snow are reaffirming my decision that moving south 9 years ago was indeed a good one for me!
    Hope spring comes soon!!

  18. I ran in the snow storm last week so I could avoid the treadmill. I’ll probably do the same tonight just before the next storm hits!

  19. I’m with you – where is Spring??? Why is it that yesterday on the first day of Spring the East Coast was once again blessed with a wintry mess, and today we’re all supposed to be dumped on with snow??? Ugh!
    Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 3My Profile

  20. I hear you over the storms!!!! It’s so demoralizing to train

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