B.A.A Distance Medley – 5K Race Report

This year I’m participating in the 2nd Annual  B.A.A. Distance Medley which consists of a 5K, 10K and half marathon. The 5K was held the Sunday of the Boston Marathon weekend.

It was a great morning for a run — sunny but cool (just 40 or so). J and the boys decided they wanted to come cheer me on so the whole family headed into downtown Boston. Getting in and parking was easy. It was definitely chilly so I left the guys to do some warm up strides. Just as I was heading over to get my good luck hugs from my kiddos, I was lucky enough to find fellow FitFluential Ambassador Amy from Running Escapades and her husband in the crowd!


As we stood in the shadows of the high-rises it was even cooler and I did my best to stay warm and loose. I chatted with some of the other runners and just tried to soak in the atmosphere. I couldn’t get over the size of the crowd for a 5K (5,000+ runners)  – the energy was great!

The downside of a crowd that big on a course that winds in and around the narrow streets of Boston’s Back Bay was the amount of bobbing and weaving I had to do.  IMG_1989There were also a fair number of people who clearly didn’t seed themselves properly as I found myself running up on people who stopped to walk within the first half mile….seriously?! But I settled in the best I could and just enjoyed the run.

The B.A.A. had set the course up so we would finish the final “right on Hereford, left on Boylston” stretch and across the Marathon’s famous finish line. J and the boys were watching from the grandstands and said they could see me make the final turn on the jumbotron — my boys thought that was pretty cool and allowed my oldest son to catch these shots of the finish. (My youngest liked that I passed that guy right at the end!)

BAA 5K Collage

I made my way through the corral, got my medal and a bag of snacks and found my wonderful cheer squad!


Overall I was happy with my time of 30:56 and I’m really looking forward to the B.A.A. 10K in June!




  1. It’s not a race to PR is it? Still fun though! See you in June 🙂

  2. WooHoo congrats! That is such a fun race! I spectated it a couple times, now I need to come back and run it. I love that your boys enjoy cheering you on, even in the cold!

  3. Wow, that looks like such a fun run! So glad I found your blog!

  4. Congrats! I’m so jealous that you got to do this BAA race AND that the weather was totally cool…opposite of here 😉

  5. I’m loving the multiple distance events! Nice finish!

  6. Great race! Hubby ran that when I ran the marathon and it was amazing the size and amount of spectators at a 5K 🙂


  1. […] race I could do and take a pass on this one. But not completing the BAA Distance Medley that I started back in April was just not an option I wanted to entertain. I also really wanted to be out on the course with my […]

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