Running without Music

Source: Gamer Melodico

I swore running without music was one of those things that would just never happen (kinda like my kids spontaneously cleaning their rooms!) 

But, one of the lingering symptoms from my May malaise is that I still can’t hear completely out of my left ear – sounds muffled like I’m underwater… I figure running with my headphones is not a smart choice.

So I’ve been running sans music…gasp!

And what have I learned these past two weeks?

  •  Running without music I am obviously much more dialed into my breathing. I’ve tried to start letting my breathing dictate my pace/effort before checking my Garmin.
  • I also have tuned in to my footfall. Is it soft and light? Am I scuffing my feet? I’ve noticed that when the scuffing starts my form is starting to fall apart.
  • Overall, because I’m concentrating on other things, I seem to be checking my Garmin less.

All good things, right? However, I seriously miss my tunes, especially on runs of 6 miles or longer. In fact I found myself humming Bruno Mars during one run when I was starting to flag a bit (and trust me, no one wants me to start singing out there!).

For me, music is definitely a motivational tool – especially late in a long run or during speedwork. When I get this ear thing resolved (off to the ear doc on Wednesday), I will be returning to my headphones. But, I have decided that there is valuable learning to be gained from not always having the tunes, so I will try to rely on my music less. I’m going to aim for one run a week to be music-free and, perhaps use it a bit less during my long runs.

Do you run with music? Have you ever tried to give it up?



  1. Ive run one race 🙂

    all sans-tunes.
    it was great (I was so present in the moment) and it sucked (I was so present too in the OWIE moment).

  2. I used to run with music all the time, and cringed at the thought of running without it. Then, one day it looked like it was going to rain and I didn’t want to risk ruining my iPhone… and I haven’t looked back! I find it’s a nice time to just focus on me (like you said, thinking about your breathing, your form, etc.), and not be distracted by anything else, which is so rare these days!

  3. I am always with music except when it dies! There are times in the winter when I run in places that are pretty deserted (no one living in their summer homes) and I take one ear out. I’ve never tried running without it except during running group so I can talk to others.

  4. Good luck with your doctor’s appointment!

    I never run with music, never have and never will. It is actually better that my husband and I don’t run with music because headphones aren’t allowed in USAT sanctioned events and lots of running races are banning them now. I’m glad I’m not dependent on them.

  5. I used to ALWAYS run with music. When I joined a running club, I started to run without it. Then I started running trails more, and I needed to be more aware. Now I can’t remember the last time I ran with it, and I honestly don’t miss it at all…

  6. I usually do not run with music. I like to hear myself breath and it is a time for me to think and regroup. However, sometimes it is so fun to jam out and listen to great music.

  7. the ONLY time I run with music is when I’m on the dreadmill. Indoors, there’s absolutely nothing to listen to or listen for, so why not have tunes. Outdoors, however, there’s so much to hear……my footfalls, breathing, birds chirping, dogs barking, cars swerving too close……why would you ever want to be unable to listen to all that? I understand how motivational music can be, but I can never understand why anyone would choose to “tune out” when in a race? Part of the fun of racing is in the interaction with fellow runners, as well as spectators. When I ran Boston, I was surprised to see people with earbuds in……to each his own, but I think those folks miss out on an important part of our VERY social activity.

  8. I can’t imagine running without music! I could see myself more likely to ditch the music during a race than when I run on my own. I definitely need the distraction when I’m out alone and need the push!

  9. lately i’ve been running without music. i don’t run long distances- no more than 3-4 miles so it doesn’t bother me…like you, i focus on other things. but i also love running to music, especially if i’m tired. loud music helps me power through!

  10. Use them for training but never racing.

  11. When I REALLY want to concentrate, NO MUSIC, and that usually means going fast. This is when I run during my lunch break and have 30 min to go all out. I prefer music, but recently, I’ve left the Ipod home a few times. I like what you said about listening to your breathing and how your feet fall. I’m also trying to leave the Garmin home, but I’m obsessed with it!

  12. I started doing short runs without music when I started running with my dog, and long runs without music when I started running with a friend, but when I run alone I still like my tunes.

  13. I run with music 90% of the time. Usually the 10% is when I forget or end up running when I didn’t plan to. For me, the right music is what keeps me going ( see here: ) but I COMPLETELY agree with your points that without music , I pay much greater attention to my stride, my breathing, and my run in general!

  14. I sometimes take my music off, but the sound of my breathing kind of freaks me out. Maybe I should work on getting used to it.

    I do take headphones off so that I can listen to my feet and check my form. But, I just can’t do it for very long.

  15. When I started running I could not imagine to run without music, I actually skipped my run if I forgot my ipod. Now I run almost always without. On my long runs I am with my running friends, so no music needed and on my short runs I enjoy to calm down my mind and get lost in my thoughts.

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  17. Hi Michelle, I am going to be an ambassador for Zooma Cape Cod too. I look forward to meeting you at City Sports on 6/26! See you then! 🙂

  18. I just had to add – I saw your comment on my Daily Mile post and had to tell you that I had just read this blog post right before I went for that run where my music sucked. I was thinking about this the whole run.

    I did my speed workout today without music and it was kind of nice to just concentrate on my speed. I did do my warm up and cool down mileage with headphones.

  19. I rarely run with music and find that it completely throws off my rhythm, even on the treadmill. I have found that when I need some extra distraction from the pain, podcasts are the way to go.

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