Friday Five

  1. After 3 workouts in a 24-hr span, I am thoroughly embracing a rest day today! Some core work but nothing else – I want to have something in the tank for tomorrow’s long run.
  2. I’m beginning to realize that I have been underestimating the importance of getting enough sleep. While it is tempting to stay up to read, catch The Daily Show, try to get some writing done, etc., I need to do a better job of stepping away from all of it and catch some more zzz’s. My body and mind will thank me for it.
  3. I’m desperately on the hunt for some new tunes for the playlist – any suggestions? Please share.
  4. With the impending loss of Google Friend Connect, I’m starting to embrace the fact that I need to give those of you interested enough in following my little journey, alternative ways to follow. So you’ll see in the side bar that I’ve added a few options, including finally setting up a Facebook page. As I start writing more, I’ll be posting links to my Examiner articles there, so I hope you’ll check it out and give it a “like.” 
  5. Looking forward to a relatively quiet weekend full of the usual family activities, capped off with watching the Patriots bring home another Super Bowl win!

Any big weekend plans?



  1. You’ve certainly earned a rest day today!! This weekend we are swamped…car shopping, 17 miler, and the PATS!!!

  2. Ahh more zzzzz! Yes I think we all need some. Have a fun weekend!

  3. Sounds like fun. Here’s to you having a good long run, and an excellent weekend !

  4. I definitely need more sleep too!! I’m dragging after a week of little sleep and when I feel like this it makes me so unmotivated and not feel like working out or getting anything done… NOT GOOD!
    Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂

  5. I suck at the getting enough sleep thing. Seriously suck at it.

    You should move your subscription options higher on your bar so they are easier to find!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sleep is so key when training heavy. I just commit to a monk’s existence when marathon training! ; )

    Good luck to your Pats!

  8. Ahh the bed is calling my name as we speak! Hope your rest day was relaxing!

  9. You can’t under-estimate the importance of a good nights rest. Your body will thank you for it!!

    New tunes? I don’t know what music your into, but I’m currently jammin’\running to Sean Paul’s new album “Tomahawk Technique”. Good stuff!!!

  10. Rest time! Awesome 🙂 I listen to old music… And I always need it to be peppy. Is that what sort of thing you’re looking for?

  11. I listen to a little bit of everything (except country!) – as long as it’s uptempo!

  12. Yay on the Facebook page! It is an easy way to keep up. I shortchange myself on sleep too, but lately my body has been insisting and I do feel much better.

  13. I went to bed at 10 last night, resisted the urge to read, and I feel like a million bucks now. And the facebook page is a great idea, maybe I should do that….great game Sunday!!!

  14. I’m the complete opposite in sleeping patterns. I wish I could stay up past 10pm so I could take care of a few more things. but I always fall a sleep way earlier. Good job on your workouts!!

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