Patience with pace

“He who would learn to fly one day
must first learn to stand and walk and run 
and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” 
– Nietzsche
I first posted this quote almost a year ago. At the time I was a few weeks into the C25K program and it was a great reminder to be patient with myself, that longer distances and greater speed would come in time. 
Well, I was getting a little frustrated with myself last week…yes the distances have definitely increased but my pace is at times erratic and, truthfully, slower than I would like it to be. So it seemed like a good time for this quote again. It also feels like the perfect time for a step back week – and lo and behold that’s what the training plan calls for!
So it’s some easy runs, yoga, and strength training this week. I think I may even leave the Garmin at home and run without worrying about pace.
How do you keep from obsessing about your pace?



  1. I stopped looking at my watch. I honestly think I run faster without it because I’m not thinking so much about hitting certain marks.

  2. Some days I force myself to run without my Garmin. I go on a route that I know the distance of and just run. I also on the mill cover up the time and just run.

    Keep your head up….some weeks are just off weeks!

  3. Completely hear you on this one! It’s so hard to be patient. You just have to keep the big picture in mind and know that you’re doing the right thing by taking it easy when you’re supposed to be easy. And your legs know when they need it to be easy, so trust them.

  4. I rarely worry about my pace. I’m not sure why; I just don’t. There’s a good article in a recent Runner’s World about the 3 runs we need each week: a short run, a long run and a tempo/speed workout in between. Keep up the good work Michelle – you’ve come so far and I’m looking forward to what this summer brings you!

  5. I’m sure if I ever get to the point I can run again, this quote will be plastered to my forehead! Enjoy your cutback week!! 🙂

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