Beauty of short-term memory

One thing I’ve learned as I’ve started to work to increase my mileage, is how important it is to have a short-term memory. If you dwell on a bad run, that run’s impact can last for more than for just those few miles…and self-doubt is not a pretty thing!

Nope one of the keys to running I’ve discovered is to have a short-term memory – the ability to chalk up a bad run for exactly was it was a Bad Run… not a signal of your failure to train properly, or your inability to run an upcoming race…or to be a runner at all for that matter. It’s just a bad run.

I had one of those really bad runs on Friday – truly craptastic! But today was a new day…and a new run! Today my 6.2 miles felt easy and smooth. Today I finished strong and with a smile on my face….ah yes, the beauty of short-term memory!



  1. never worry to much about a bad run. The next one is bound to be better. Keep it up!

  2. I agree. A bad run is a bad run, and after that bad run, it is a different run, and a different story.
    I think we usually have more good runs than the not so great ones. So, it is important to always remind ourselves of all the good runs prior to the bad ones. 🙂 Good luck!

  3. I have a policy of only remembering the good ones. ;o) Some days 13 miles is easy and other days 3 miles are impossible. I try not to worry about why. ;o)

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