Refreshing the morning routine


With all of the crazy snow days we had from the end of January and throughout February, my morning routine has essentially gone right out the window. No great surprise, when my morning kickoffs in the right way it makes all of the difference in my attitude and how my day unfolds for me.

So, with spring on the way (really I promise it is!), it seems like a good time to refresh the morning routine. Honestly “routine” is probably not even the right word to use, because I know no two mornings will unfold for me in precisely the same way…but there are some “rituals” that help me to make sure that I run my day, instead of the other way around.

What do I need in my morning?

Meditation — This is my chance to connect and get centered.

Hydration — While my first instinct many mornings is to reach for coffee, I like to get a glass of water with lemon down first.

Working out — I have been working out and running post-work in the afternoon, but I know it definitely works for me best to get moving in the morning, so it’s time to get back to that.

Daily planning —  I am a planner geek from way back, so my morning is not complete without a little time sitting quietly with my planner and a mug of coffee to review both mine and my family’s schedules, identify the “must do’s” vs. “like to do’s” and set my plan/intentions for the day.

And yes, Coffee — I do love a mug of coffee…I’m trying hard now to reel it in and keep it to just one cup!

Now the trick to either refreshing or creating a morning routine is to build slowly. Conventional wisdom says it takes at least 21 days to form a habit. And, taking baby steps is more likely to be effective than making one giant leap – especially if the routine you’re trying to adopt is a radical departure from where you are now. Finally, if part of your routine feels more like a chore than a source of inspiration, it may be time to re-access and consider making some changes until you find what feels right for you.

So tell me, what’s your morning routine like?
