
The sprint to the finish of 2018 continues – I swear someone has flipped the switch into overdrive!

This past week was busy on all fronts, but there were lots of highlights!

Work kept me hopping – but I was super productive and, with now just a few loose ends to wrap up, I should be in great shape to take the Christmas week off! Both of my boys started their school breaks, so we really kicked things into the Christmas spirit, picking up our tree and decorating the house. We’ll start making cookies later today.

On the workout front, it was a pretty solid week:

Monday – 3-mile run
Tuesday – 1.25-mile power walk
Wednesday – 3.5-mile run – this one was ugly!
Thursday – Another power walk followed by a strength work.
Friday – 2-mile run and some much needed yoga. Also had another acupuncture session.
Saturday – 5-mile run. For as bad as Wednesday’s run felt, this one felt great!

Sunday – Today was basically a rest day, I did get an early morning 1.25-mile walk with my husband and pup to get the day started followed by another session with the acupuncturist.

17.25 miles for the Holiday Challenge!

And, if you follow me on social media, then you know this was my biggest highlight of the week!

I was beyond excited to see this notice in my email! Chicago-bound for 2019!

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.

What was a highlight from your week?
