Week 3: A Long Short Week

Despite having Monday off from work for MLK Day this work week felt oh so long. Why does that always seem to be the case? Despite the hectic schedule, the workouts continued. Here’s a quick recap of the week.

Week 3: A Long Short Week

Monday — Lower body strength & Core
Tuesday — Upper body strength, Core & 1-mile walk
Wednesday — Unplanned rest day
Thursday — Upper body strength & Core & 2-mile walk
Friday —  Lower body strength & 2-mile walk
Saturday — Peloton bike, Upper body strength & Core
Sunday — Yoga

Highlights & Lowlights:

Wednesday was one of those days that was a reminder as to why I’ve made returning to early morning workouts a goal. Best to work out before your day gets hijacked!

On Thursday, I had my follow-up appointment with my sports ortho – of course, this was the week that some intermittent glute pain returned…sigh. Thankfully he didn’t see any reason for me to test out some run/walks as long as I let “pain be my guide.” He also wants me to keep up with my PT/mobility exercises and to put in more time on the Peloton. I followed up the appointment with a trip to my massage therapist. Overall this day was a win!

Given the pending forecast for this week of more snow and icy conditions, my first attempt at a run/walk may or may not take place this week – I’ve waited this long, I can wait a little longer, right? There will, of course, be a lot more time on my bike 😉

In Case You Missed It:

My 2024 Fitness In and Out List

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. I’m so glad to hear that you are feeling better and ready to test out the hip! Fingers crossed it goes well!

  2. I hope you patience pays off!

    We are supposed to see 60F on Thursday — but with rain. Hard not to resist running though!

    • 60 degrees even with rain would be tough to resist – I don’t think we’re expecting any of that warmth here…but the weather’s been all over the map so you never know.

  3. I am glad that you got the go ahead to return to run walks. It is hard to be patient when you are returning to running. I know your gentle return will pay off.

  4. Whether this week or next, I hope your glute/hip is ready and responds positively to your test run. Good luck!

  5. I am so grateful for your wins! That’s so huge!

    I totally forgot we had the day off this week! I am still lost on the calendar.

  6. I am new here so I am not sure what is going on with your hip/ glute, but I have struggled with piriformis syndrome and it was not fun. It took me a while to get back to “normal” and boy was it frustrating. But it sounds like you are healing and staring to move forward so that is great!

  7. I hope all goes well with your return! You’ve been diligent and taking things at a great pace. Let’s hope the weather plays nice!

  8. Wishing you a speedy recovery! I hope you enjoyed the massage and get to have that run/walk soon!

  9. Yes, morning workouts are imperative, before the day gets hijacked!

  10. Oh yes- I opted to sleep in Monday and do my run after work- and I was reminded how much I do NOT like that schedule! Much better to get it out of the way first thing.
    Good luck with the return to running- hope you get to try it out this week and that it goes well!

  11. Yeah, take it from me, waiting might be your wisest move!

    I know it’s been a long time, but it sounds like things are moving in an encouraging direction.

  12. I hope all goes well with your hip/glute!!
    Very well said to go training before the day gets hijacked! You just never know how the day will turn out.

  13. I agree – morning workouts are a must for me! Our training group has a track workout on Tuesdays at either 6pm or 7:30pm. Those night workouts really can be challenging to wait all day to workout , and thankfully Weds is usually a rest day. It’s tough to turn around and run again after that!
    I hope your return to running is going well. Yay on progress!!

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