April Mid-month Check-in

As I find myself so often saying lately, the days are flying by…and here we are already halfway through April. Things continue to be busy in this neck of the woods, though thankfully less manic than in March. Instead of a day-by-day update on the past couple of weeks, I’m checking in to share some quick highlights.

April Mid-month Check-in


I’m very happy to say that my running is feeling good! I’ve just wrapped up Week 3 of the Team Wilpers Spring Run Challenge and am really enjoying getting a taste of speedwork again. My “long” runs are holding steady at 6 miles with yesterday’s run being an especially good one where everything seemed to click – and the beautiful spring weather was just icing on the cake.

I have 5 weeks until the Mystic 10K so I’m feeling good about where I am at this point.

Mobility work and Walking

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve put a lot of extra attention on the pre-hab work including daily stretching and hip-focused mobility and yoga classes on the Peloton app. It’s clearly been helping my running. And, while I’ve sprinkled in some low-impact classes on the bike, my go-to on non-running days has been walking – keeping my #optoutside goal for the month intact. As I’ve been prioritizing focusing on my core and lower body strength, upper body work has taken a backseat – perhaps that will change in the next couple of weeks, but perhaps not. For now, I’m just kinda rolling with what’s working best for me.

New Shoes!

Thanks to being a part of the Brooks Run Happy Team I can say with certainty that I don’t need any more running shoes. But, that didn’t stop me from ordering the new Boston-edition Hyperion Tempos – when it’s a collab between your favorite professional runner and your favorite shoe brand, how can you not 🙂

Can’t wait to try these during my next speed workout!

In case you missed it:

Five More Things About Me

April Coffee Chat

How’s April been treating you so far?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. It is hard to pass up the limited edition running shoes! Hope you enjoy them. Sounds like you have found a good sweet spot for your training and it’s going well for you.
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down On Island TimeMy Profile

  2. Those shoes are very pretty. Tipis are not but they work for my ugly feet.

    Happy to hear that your running is going well. Your race will be here before you know it.

  3. Lol. Topos.

  4. I so wanted those shoes but since Brooks just gifted me with a pair, I can’t justify another pair. Especially since most of my miles are on the trail!!! LOL I hope you enjoy them. I swear there are magic in the soles.

  5. That’s great news that things are going well & you’re feeling great Those shoes are sweet, but I don’t think they’re the right type for my high-maintenance feet. I did get an email today, though, showing the Launch has been marked down further…so I may be indulging in another pair. They’ve been a great “fit” so far.

  6. Those shoes are irresistible! Glad to hear running is being good to you right now and your body is happy! MAYhem will be here before we know it!

  7. I love those shoes!

    Yay on the great 6 miler! I’m doing the opposite with my strength — focusing on upper body to make sure I don’t overload my legs.

  8. Yes, you needed those shoes!
    I’m glad to hear your running is going so well. It’s nice to be in a phase where you feel like your training, mobility, strength and cross training are all working well. Enjoy your spring weather!

  9. I love your new running shoes and I’m so happy for you that your running is going well! What you’re doing clearly is working. Enjoy that spring weather!

  10. Those shoes are beautiful! How fun!! Good for you for doing the prehab work. I gave up on my PT work last week for a few days because it really didn’t seem to help… but I’m back at it. Gotta give it a try!

  11. Oh, those shoes!! And Des is just the best, isn’t she? Definitely my favorite as well.

  12. It sounds like your running is in a great place! Fingers crossed that that 10k is a fun race.

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