3 Weeks and Counting

This was one of those weeks where I felt like I was juggling all the things — work has been off the chain (good stuff, just need more hours in the day!); my hubby and I celebrated our 30th anniversary, my college boy came home for a long weekend (his college had a mid-semester break), and it was homecoming for my high schooler. All good stuff – no complaints!

However, in the midst of all this, I tried to focus on keeping my hip flexor happy and my November race plans alive.

Caught the sun just starting to rise at the end of Thursday’s run

Week 41 – 3 Weeks and Counting

Monday — 2-mile walk & lots of stretching.
Tuesday — Rest day.
Wednesday — 3-mile walk, Upper Body Strength & Yoga.
Thursday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch.
Friday — Hip mobility work, Core & Yoga.
Saturday — 4-mile run & Stretch. It was fun having my husband join me on the road as he’s gearing up to run for the Philly 8K!
Sunday — 6-mile run, Core & Stretch. I had hoped for 8 but my hip flexor was not happy, and when my gait started to get wonky around the 5-mile mark I didn’t see any benefit in pushing it.

Sadly my right hip flexor has grown increasingly crankier since last week’s 8 miler. I paid a visit to my acupuncturist – we agreed that I may have downshifted on appointments a little too soon into my treatment (it had been a couple of weeks since I’d last seen her). Needless to say, I booked another appointment for the upcoming week.

There are 3 weeks until the Western MA 10M and I’m feeling fairly confident that I will be able to run it. Where I’m less confident is the thought of the Philly half just two weeks later. It may be time to think about dropping down to the 8K. I’ll see how this week goes…

Tell me, how was your week? 

As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.



  1. While my running continued to be relatively strong (if slow), the rest of the week? It wasn’t terrible and it wasn’t great — I suppose that’s really not so bad.

    I definitely think you’ll be fine for 8 miles — and then you’ll probably know what to do about the next race. It really sucks when our bodies just won’t do what our minds want them to do.

  2. I’m sorry to hear that your hip flexor is still bothering you. Hopefully, some extra TLC with your acupuncturist will do the trick!

    It sounds like you had a nice weekend with your son home for break, your 30th anniversary, homecoming, etc.

    How was my week? Boring since I was stuck at home with Covid and could only see my virtual clients, couldn’t run errands, etc.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: October 9 – 15 / What a Difference a Week MakesMy Profile

  3. Oh I feel you, Michelle! Seems like so many of us are having similar issues. How rude to throw this at us when the weather is so nice! LOL Hope our acupuncture helps your hip flexor. Happy anniversary!

  4. It sounds like we all need a PT retreat — with a menu of all the healing treatments. I’m sure the program would call for time in a hot tub with some fine wine too — a runner can dream, right?

    What a fun, busy weekend with homecoming and your older son home — a true homecoming!

  5. Yes, I know that feeling when you’re insanely busy, but it’s all good stuff, so you don’t want to complain… but life feels pretty crazy. Sorry your hip flexor is still bothering you- but I’m glad you feel confident about your race. You must have a lot of faith in your acupuncturist. Good luck with it!

  6. Wow, such a busy week for you! I totally can relate to what you said about work. There are never enough hours in the day unfortunatley.

    Happy belated wedding anniversary! I hope you had a great day celebrating with your husband 🙂

  7. I feel like so many of us are in the same boat! I’m so glad to see that you listen to your body. I hope you are able to do both races but it’s good you have options to change distances.

  8. Ugh on the hip flexor! Thankfully, mine is happy again…but the glute region (piriformis is the culprit, I believe) is another story. I’m glad my racing season is winding down. There’s the Hillbilly Hike (early November) that I have been holding off on registering for…the 13.1 is outta the question, but the 10K or 5K are possibilities. I hope things start to feel better for you!

    • I think you were smart to drop down the distance on your last race – I’m pretty sure I’ll be following your lead. Just not worth suffering through a race, right?

  9. So sorry that hip flexor is giving you trouble again. Ugh! Seems like so many of us are ailing right now. Glad your week was filled with fun events though!

  10. Good luck with your 10 miler.

    I think you’ll b fine if you take it slow.

    And then see how it feels.

    Sorry your hip did not get the message that races are back on!!

  11. I feel you about more hours in the day. Sometimes it’s hard to squeeze in clients AND personal projects AND life.

    Excited to see how your 10 miler goes!

  12. Happy anniversary! We just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary this year too. So nice you got to see your college son and the homecoming events. I hope your 10 miler went well!

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