Week 44 – Hello November

I’m back from our road trip. We saw family members we haven’t seen in ages so it was nice to catch up, despite the circumstances that brought us together. After all of the driving to and from upstate New York both this weekend and last weekend, I’m looking forward to not being back on the road for a while.

I have the NYC Marathon on the DVR and have managed to avoid any coverage on the socials, so before I plant myself on the couch, here is a quick look at how the first week in November fitness played out.

Weekly Run Down – Week 44

Monday – Hello November! 3.1-mile run, Core & Stretch

Start of a new day, new week, new month.

Tuesday – 2-mile walk & Core

Wednesday – Lower Body Strength, Core, Peloton Ride, & Stretch. This was a great stack that I definitely plan to repeat!

Thursday – 3-mile run followed by a sports massage!

Friday – 2-mile walk, Core & PT exercises

Saturday – 3-mile run. After 7 hours in the car on Friday, this run felt so good. Our hotel was just a short drive to Lock 32 State Canal Park, so it was a brisk (27 degrees!) run along the Erie Canal.

Sunday – Another long car ride…there may be yoga later, but I may just become one with my couch.

November Goals

The mini-goals I set for the post-race weeks in October worked so well that I’m putting them on repeat for November (minus the 2-week sugar detox!). My hip continues to feel really good so why mess with a good thing, right?

There were so many races this weekend – congrats to all of the runners, including Weekly Run Down link-up hosts Kim and Deborah.



  1. Deborah Brooks says

    You had nice variety of classes. Glad the hip is feeling better too! Will you continue the lower sugar eating?

  2. Nice work. I became one with the couch today too. Sometimes, you just have to.
    Wendy recently posted…A Shocking Amount of MilesMy Profile

  3. I know, all too well, how painful those long car rides can be. My two weekend rides weren’t quite as long (5-ish hours), but I was cooped up in the back seat (I was actually the shortest passenger LOL) and my long legs were not too happy (especially after my race this morning. But, oh well…NO REGRETS! I’m so glad to hear the hip is feeling good!

  4. I’m glad you had good visits with family, even though the circumstances were somber.

    That sounds like a chilly run in a lovely spot.

    Glad your hip is feeling better. Thought of you when mine complained during my race today.

    • The park along the canal was a great spot for a run – I wish I could have squeezed in more time there.

      I was surprised when you mentioned your hip – hopefully, it was just an odd, one-time thing.

  5. Oh those road trips can be tough! Glad you had a chance to get out and stretch your legs! That Pelo stack looks awesome. Glad your hip is feeling good!

  6. Glad you got to see family, even in sad circumstances, and very glad the hip is OK given all the sitting in a car.

  7. I hope you enjoyed your day on the couch watching the marathon! You deserve a relaxing day- I’m sure that trip was stressful.
    I’m glad your hip feels good! I see you’re keeping up with the PT. Hope you have a low stress week with no car trips.

    • Some low-key time on the couch was so needed!

      I’ve been trying to do a better job of keeping those PT exercises in rotation. My hip is much happier when I do!

  8. One with the couch is never a bad thing, although I find I want to move and stretch after all the car time just as much. Hope you got to catch up with the marathon. So many commercials!
    Cari recently posted…November Coffee: Malibu Half & Half Marathon TrainingMy Profile

  9. So nice that you were able to see family members that you haven’t seen in a while, despite the less than ideal circumstances 🙁

    i also spent most of yesterday watching the marathon. It was great to see all the excitement in the city.

  10. Hugs on the reason, but a change in scenery for running is always a good thing. Yes, it was chilly up here!

  11. Lots of hugs, but I am glad you got the family time.

    I love becoming one with the couch. I just want to read and snuggle with my puppy and my blanket and a book, now that it’s colder.

  12. Its so hard to be stuck in the car all day! Looks like a great week of workouts. And its great that the hip is continuing to feel so good!

  13. You’ll have to come back to NY for a happier reason.

    Yes it was cold last week. This week is better better.

    Happy to hear about the hip. And being back to sugar.

  14. For some reason I’ve never watched the NYC marathon. I did see a post on Facebook from a friend about her trip to NY for the marathon a few years back and it looked like a lot of fun. I’m adding it to my race bucket list now!
    Lisa Willford recently posted…Weekly workouts – chilling outMy Profile

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