Shaking off the funk!

I’m happy to say that I’m starting to come out of my mini motivation funk! I finally got back out on the road on Sunday for a nice four mile run — family commitments made a long run not possible. But it was nice to be out running! This morning I followed up with another three — legs were heavy, but moving. Tomorrow I’ll be back in the Pilates studio and then will run again on Thursday.

And, while I’m looking to jump back on that motivation bandwagon, I’ve decided to run another 10k race! I picked one at the end of February — part of the Hyannis Marathon series — I figured post holiday madness is best! And my hubs J announced that he wants to run it with me!

Hello Motivation!



  1. I just found your blog whilst blog traveling and love it. keep up the running, sounds like you love it.

  2. that will be fun to race with your hubs!

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